Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | Client Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.client:ftp
WmPublic. Performs a series of FTP actions.
This service executes the following sequence:
1. Logs on to an FTP server.
2. Changes to a specified working directory.
3. Performs one of the following FTP commands: ls, put, or get.
4. Logs off the FTP server.
Important:Integration Server allows you to invoke the pub.client:ftp service to get a file from a remote FTP server and place it in the WmRoot folder, which may be a security concern.
Input Parameters
String Name or IP address of the FTP server (for example,
String Port number of the FTP server (for example, 4566).
String Valid FTP user of the remote FTP server (for example, anonymous).
String Optional. Valid password of the FTP user.
String One of the following FTP commands: ls, put, or get.
String Working directory of the FTP server (for example, /tmp/pub). If the directory does not exist, the server throws an exception.
String One of two FTP file transfer modes: ascii or binary. The default is ascii.
String One of two FTP data transfer types: passive or active. The default is active.
String When command is set to put, this parameter specifies the name of the local file you want to transfer. (If content is specified, this field is ignored.)
When command is set to get, this parameter specifies the name of the local file in which you want the retrieved content saved.
String When command is set to put, this parameter specifies the name of the remote file in which you want the save the data you are sending.
When command is set to get, this parameter specifies the name of the remote file that you want to retrieve.
content, byte[ ], or String Data to be transferred when command is set to put.
String Optional. Character set in which the document is encoded. Specify an IANA-registered character set (for example, ISO-8859-1).
This information is required to correctly convert the String object to bytes when performing a get. If parameter is null, the default JVM encoding is used.
String Optional. Specifies the encoding this service uses to convert the incoming FTP command string to encoded bytes that are supported by IANA and the FTP server. If the parameter is null, the service uses the 'UTF-8' character set to encode the FTP command String to bytes.
String Time (measured in seconds) this service waits for the FTP server response on the command channel before timing out and aborting the request. Default is to wait forever.
String Optional. Indicates whether to send a STOR or a STOU (Store as Unique File) command to the remote FTP server. Set to:
*true to send a STOU (Store as Unique File) command.
*false to send a STOR command. This is the default.
Document Indicates whether the FTP session is with a secure FTP server.
Note:Integration Server does not support FTPS (FTP over SSL) requests through FTP proxy.
String The kind of authentication mechanism to use: None, SSL, TLS, or TLS-P.
None specifies that the FTP session is with a non-secure FTP server. This is the default. If the value of auth is None, the securedata variable is ignored.
TLS-P is a shortcut that is equivalent to the sequence AUTH TLS, PBSZ 0, and PROT P. If the value of auth is TLS-P, the securedata variable is ignored.
String Use the value false for a client sending PROT C (Data Channel Protection Level Clear).
Use the value true for a client sending PROT P (Data Channel Protection Level Private).
If you do not set a value, the default is false.
String Optional. Indicates whether the service should retain or remove carriage return characters at the end of each line of text. Set to:
*true to remove carriage returns. This is the default.
*false to retain carriage returns.
String Optional. Flag indicating whether a a new FTP session will be created for this FTP operation. Set to:
*yes to create a new session for this FTP operation.
*no to use the current session, if one is available, for this FTP operation. This is the default.
String Optional. Specifies the idle time-out, measured in seconds, for this FTP session. If clientTimeout is set to 0 (zero), the session will never time out. The default is 600 seconds (10 minutes).
String Optional. Name of the proxy server alias for the proxy server to which Integration Server routes the FTP request.
If you do not specify a proxyAlias, Integration Server routes the FTP request through the proxy server specified in the default FTP proxy alias. If there is no default FTP proxy alias, the action taken by Integration Server depends on the value specified for the parameter.
*If the parameter is set to true, Integration Server routes the FTP request through the proxy server in any configured FTP proxy alias. If the Integration Server does not have any defined FTP proxy aliases, Integration Server sends the FTP request directly to the FTP server or throws an exception depending on the settings specified for the parameter.
*If the parameter is set to false, Integration Server sends the request to the remote server using a direct connection.
For more information about proxy server usage, refer to the section How Integration Server Uses Proxy Servers in the IBM webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide. How Integration Server Uses Proxy Servers.
Output Parameters
String FTP command that was executed (ls, get, or put).
String List File names returned by the ls command.
String Name of the local file used for a get or put operation.
String Name of the remote file used for a get or put operation.
byte[ ] If localfile was not specified, this parameter contains the Content object sent to the remote server (if a put command was executed) or received from the remote server (if a get command was executed).
String Standard FTP protocol return code.
String Standard FTP protocol return message.
String FTP log message.
Usage Notes
If you set the auth variable in the secure parameter to SSL, TLS, or TLS-P, pub.client.ftp automatically sends the following sequence of FTP commands prior to sending the USER command:
The client FTP services will not negotiate for less security than you have specified with the auth parameter. However, if you set the auth variable to None, the client FTP services can operate (in a non-secure mode) with any FTP server.
The FTP services will always connect to a secure FTP server using a non-secure (SSL) socket. After getting a valid reply from the AUTH command, the FTP services will convert the connected socket to an SSL socket and initiate SSL handshaking.
Prior to Integration Server version 10.15, the pub.client:ftp service included the secure/useJSSE input parameter which specified whether Integration Server created the outbound connection using the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) library. Beginning with Integration Serverversion 10.15, Integration Server establishes all secure outbound connections with JSSE. If you migrated to Integration Server 10.15 and a migrated service invokes pub.client:ftp, the secure/useJSSE parameter still appears in the pipeline. However, Integration Server ignores the value of the secure/useJSSE input parameter, proceeding as if secure/useJSSE were set to yes.