Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | Client Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.client.oauth:​getExternalAccessToken
WmPublic. Gets the access and refresh tokens that the OAuth server generates for the Integration Server. This service can be used when Integration Server uses the OAuth authentication mechanism for services such as pub.client:smtp.
Input Parameters
String. Specify one of the following values:
*authorization_code, to get an access token using the authorization code issued by the OAuth server.
*refresh_token, to use the refresh token issued by the OAuth server to obtain a new access token, when the current access token expires.
String. The URL of the endpoint that Integration Server must use to request an access token from the OAuth server.
String. Conditional. Get the authorization_code manually from the OAuth server. The procedure to get the authorization_code varies depending on your OAuth server. You must provide a value for this parameter only when the grant_type is authorization_code.
String. The unique public identifier that the OAuth server generates for Integration Server during registration.
String. The unique string that the OAuth server provides to Integration Server during registration. It is only known to Integration Server and the OAuth server.
String. The e-mail server access permissions configured for Integration Server during registration. Multiple scopes can be specified by separating them with a space.
String. The URL that the OAuth server must use to send authentication responses to Integration Server.
*If you are accessing Integration Server locally, enter the redirect URLs in one of the applicable formats:
http://localhost:{port}/WmRoot/security-oauth-get-authcode.dsp or https://localhost:{port}/WmRoot/security-oauth-get-authcode.dsp
*If you are accessing Integration Server remotely, use https://{ISHostName}:{port}/WmRoot/security-oauth-get-authcode.dsp.
String. Conditional. The refresh token issued by the OAuth server. You can use this token to obtain new access tokens using the refresh_token authorization grant.
An OAuth server issues refresh tokens based on certain conditions, which vary across OAuth servers. For example, Microsoft Azure issues refresh tokens only when the scope input parameter contains offline_access.
Output Parameters
String. The type of access token issued by the authorization server. The value is Bearer.
String. The access token issued by the authorization server.
String. The number of seconds for which the access token is valid.
String. Conditional. The refresh token issued by the authorization server. You can use this token to obtain new access tokens using the same authorization grant.
An OAuth server issues refresh tokens based on certain conditions, which vary across OAuth servers. For example, Microsoft Azure issues refresh tokens only when the scope input parameter contains offline_access.
String. Set of scopes requested by Integration Server.