Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | Working with Web Services | About SOAP Fault Processing | The $fault Variable
The $fault Variable
Use the $fault variable to override values Integration Server generates for a fault. To do so, specify the fault detail in the $fault/detail variable. Then, to override the fault reasons, code, subcodes, node and/or role, provide the corresponding values.
The following shows the structure of the $fault variable.
Document Fault information that overrides other fault information in the service pipeline, if any.
Document Optional. The fault code and possible subcodes. Integration Server uses values you specify to modify the fault code and subcodes it generates for the fault.
For a SOAP 1.1 fault, Integration Server ignores any values specified for subcodes.
String The namespace name for the SOAP fault code.
String A code that identifies the fault.
Document List Optional. Subcodes that provide further detail. Each Document in the subCodes Document List contains:
*namespaceName for the subcode
*localName that identifies the subcode
Document List Optional. Reasons for the SOAP fault. Integration Server uses values you specify to modify the reasons it generates for the fault.
For a SOAP 1.1 fault, if you specify more than one reason, Integration Server uses the first reason. Multiple reasons are supported for SOAP 1.2 faults.
String Language for the human readable description.
String Text explaining the cause of the fault.
String Optional. The URI to the SOAP node where the fault occurred. Integration Server uses value you specify to modify the node it generates for the fault.
For a SOAP 1.1 fault, Integration Server ignores any values specified for node.
String Optional. The role in which the node was operating at the point the fault occurred. Integration Server uses value you specify to modify the role it generates for the fault.
Document Fault information you want Integration Server to use. This overrides any top-level instance document that defines the fault detail.