Integration Server 11.1 | JMS Client Development Guide | Working with JMS Triggers | About Message Processing | Retrieving Multiple Messages for a JMS Trigger with Each Request
Retrieving Multiple Messages for a JMS Trigger with Each Request
Prefetching Messages from IBM webMethods Broker
Prefetching Messages with Universal Messaging
You can instruct Integration Server to retrieve multiple messages for a JMS trigger with each request by using the prefetch cache. A prefetch cache is also referred to as a consumer cache. When a JMS trigger is configured to use the prefetch cache, Integration Server retrieves multiple messages for the trigger each time Integration Server requests more messages for the trigger from either Universal Messaging or IBM webMethods Broker. When a JMS trigger needs a new message to process, the JMS trigger retrieves the message from the local, prefetched cache instead of requesting a new message from the JMS provider (Universal Messaging or IBM webMethods Broker). Use of the prefetch cache may improve performance of the JMS trigger because it reduces the time spent retrieving messages for the JMS trigger. It can also reduce the burden on Universal Messaging or IBM webMethods Broker as it reduces the number or requests to which the JMS provider needs to respond.
Using the prefetch cache is most likely to improve performance for JMS triggers that process many small messages and have trigger services that execute quickly. If the JMS trigger receives large messages or the JMS trigger has long-running trigger services, using the prefetch cache may increase the overall time needed to retrieve and process a message. For JMS triggers that fit this use case, reducing the number of prefetched messages may actually decrease the time needed to retrieve and process a message.
This prefetch cache can be used with JMS triggers that receive messages from Universal Messaging or IBM webMethods Broker only. IBM webMethods Broker is deprecated.
Which JMS triggers can use a prefetch cache depends and how that works depends on whether JMS provider is Universal Messaging or Broker.