Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Integration Server for webMethods Messaging | Configuring Document Stores | About the Outbound Document Store
About the Outbound Document Store
Configuring the Rate at which Integration Server Drains the Outbound Document Store
Setting the Capacity of the Outbound Document Store
The outbound document store, sometimes called a client side queue (CSQ), contains guaranteed documents published by Integration Server when the Broker specified in the Broker connection alias is not available. After the connection to the Broker is re-established, Integration Server sends the documents in the outbound document store to the Broker.
The outbound document store is not used for guaranteed documents published to Universal Messaging. Instead, each Universal Messaging connection alias has its own client side queue. Configuring the client side queue for a Universal Messaging is part of creating the Universal Messaging connection alias. For more information about creating a Universal Messaging connection alias, see Creating a Universal Messaging Connection Alias.
For Integration Server to use the outbound document store, the watt.server.publish.useCSQ parameter must be set to “always”. If watt.server.publish.useCSQ parameter is set to “never”, then Integration Server throws a ServiceException when the Broker is unavailable at the time documents are published to the Broker.
If the initial attempt to publish the document to Broker from the CSQ fails, Integration Server makes subsequent attempts until the document is published successfully or Integration Server makes the maximum attempts specified in watt.server.publish.maxCSQRedeliveryCount. Each attempt to publish to Broker from the CSQ is considered a redelivery attempt. After Integration Servermakes the specified number of attempts to transmit a document from the CSQ to the Integration Server and all attempts fail, the audit subsystem logs the document and assigns it a status of STATUS_TOO_MANY_TRIES.
Integration Server can empty documents from the outbound document store in order of publication or in parallel. The value of the watt.server.publish.drainCSQInOrder parameter determines how the outbound store is emptied. By default, Integration Server sends all newly published documents (guaranteed and volatile) to the outbound document store until the outbound store has been emptied. This allows Integration Server to maintain publication order. When Integration Server is configured to empty the outbound store in parallel, the outbound store is emptied while new documents are being published to the Broker.