Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Integration Server for webMethods Messaging | Working with Messaging Connection Aliases | Creating a Broker Connection Alias
Creating a Broker Connection Alias
A Broker connection alias is a webMethods messaging connection alias that contains the configuration information for establishing a connection to the Broker. Each Integration Server can have only one Broker connection alias.
Note:Integration Server version 11.1 works in the same manner when connected to Broker 9.6, Broker 10.5, Broker 10.15, and Broker 11.1.
If you migrated to Integration Server 10.2 or later from an earlier version of Integration Server, a Broker connection alias named IS_BROKER_CONNECTION might already exist. If this alias exists, you must delete it before you create another Broker connection alias. Alternatively, you can edit IS_BROKER_CONNECTION to contain the configuration information that you want.
Note:IBM webMethods Broker is deprecated.
*To create a Broker connection alias
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator.
2. Go to Messaging > webMethods settings.
3. Click Create Broker Connection Alias.
If a Broker connection alias already exists, Integration Server Administrator displays a message stating that only one Broker connection alias can exist at a time.
4. Under General Settings, specify the following:
Connection Alias Name
A unique name for the messaging connection alias.
A description of the messaging connection alias.
Client Prefix
A string that identifies the Integration Server to Broker.
The Broker Manager displays this prefix for each client it creates for the server. (The Broker creates multiple clients for each server that connects to it.)
Client Prefix Is Shared (prevents removal of shared messaging provider objects)
Whether Integration Server shares the client prefix with multiple Integration Servers and you want to prevent automatic updates, including deletions, to shared objects associated with this alias on the Broker. Leave the Client Prefix Is Shared check box cleared if you do not want to prevent automatic updates to shared objects on the Broker.
When the Client Prefix Is Shared check box is selected, you must update objects on the Broker manually. For example, if you delete a trigger on Integration Server you need to manually delete the associated client queue on the Broker.
You must select Client Prefix Is Shared if the Integration Server:
*Belongs to a cluster and you want to prevent automatic updates to shared objects associated with this alias on the Broker.
*Belongs to a non-clustered group of Integration Servers that operate in a load-balanced fashion and you want to prevent automatic updates to shared objects associated with this alias on the Broker.
For more information about configuring Integration Servers to receive messages from Broker in a load-balanced fashion, see Load Balancing with a Non-Clustered Group of Integration Servers.
5. Under Connection Settings, specify the following:
Broker Host
Name (DNSname: port or ipaddress: port) of the machine on which the Broker Server resides.
Broker Name
Name of the Broker as defined on the Broker Server. The default name is Broker #1.
Client Group
Broker client group to which this Integration Server belongs. A client group defines a single set of properties and access permissions assigned to one or more clients (here, Integration Servers) on a single Broker. If the specified client group does not exist, the Integration Server creates it on the named Broker upon establishing its initial connection.
Important:Brokers do not share can-publish and can-subscribe permissions across client groups. If you switch an Integration Server from one client group to another, you must restart the Integration Server and synchronize all publishable document types with the Broker. Next, you must shut down the server and use My webMethods to delete all of the Broker clients created for the server with the changed client group. Restart the server with the changed client group.
6. Under Client Authentication Settings, specify the following:
Client Authentication
The type of authentication an Integration Server client will use to connect to the Broker. Choose one of the following options:
*None. Select this option if the Broker is configured to accept anonymous connections.
*Username/Password. Select this option if the Broker uses basic client authentication. If you select this option, specify the user name and password the client will use in the Username and Password fields.
*SSL. Select this option if Integration Server connects to the Broker using the SSL port. If you select this option, configure the SSL parameters by providing the following information.
The full path to the keystore file for this Integration Server. A keystore file contains the credentials (private key/signed certificate) that an entity needs for SSL authentication. If the Broker Server requires an SSL connection, then the information in this file is used to authenticate the Integration Server client to that Broker Server.
The keystore file for an Integration Server is stored on the machine on which the Integration Server resides.
Keystore Type
The file type of the keystore file for Integration Server. The file type can be either PKCS12 or JKS.
Keystore Password
Password required to access the SSL certificate in the keystore file for Integration Server.
7. Under Encryption Settings, specify the following:
Specify whether or not to encrypt the connection between the Integration Server and the Broker.
When you set Client Authentication to SSL, Encryption must be set to Yes.
If you select Yes for the Encryption parameter, configure the following truststore parameters.
The full path to the truststore file for the Integration Server client. A truststore file contains trusted root certificates for the authorities responsible for signing SSL certificates. For an SSL connection to be made, a valid trusted root for the SSL certificate stored in the keystore must be accessible in a truststore file.
The truststore file for Integration Server is stored on the machine on which the Integration Server resides.
Truststore Type
The file type of the truststore file for Integration Server. The file type can be either PKCS12 or JKS.
8. Click Save Changes.
Integration Server creates the Broker connection alias.
9. Click Return to webMethods Messaging Settings.
10. Enable the Broker connection alias.
11. Restart Integration Server.
For more information about Broker and configuring SSL for Broker, see Administering IBM webMethods Broker.
You can configure the outbound document store, also known as the client side queue, to contain documents published when the Broker used by this connection alias is not available. For more information, see About the Outbound Document Store