Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Integration Server for webMethods Messaging | Working with Messaging Connection Aliases | Messaging Connection Alias Status
Messaging Connection Alias Status
A messaging connection alias can have one of the following statuses in the Enabled column.
Status in Enabled Column
Green check mark Yes
The messaging connection alias is enabled. Integration Server is connected to the messaging provider and can use the alias to send and receive messages.
Yellow check mark Yes [Pending Restart]
The messaging connection alias is currently disabled but will be enabled after Integration Server restarts. Integration Server is not connected to the messaging provider. Integration Server cannot use the alias to send and receive messages.
Yellow check mark Yes [Not Connected]
The messaging connection alias is enabled, but Integration Server is not connected to the messaging provider. Integration Server cannot use the alias to send and receive messages.
The messaging connection alias is not enabled. Integration Server cannot use the alias to send and receive messages.
Yellow check mark No [Pending Restart]
The messaging connection alias is currently enabled but will be disabled after Integration Server restarts. Currently, Integration Server is connected to Broker; services can publish messages to the Broker and triggers can retrieve messages from Broker.
Note:Integration Server Administrator does not display a status for the predefined IS_LOCAL_CONNECTION messaging connection alias. The alias cannot be enabled or disabled and is always available to Integration Server for local publishing.