Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Integration Server for JMS Messaging | Working with JNDI Providers | Creating a JNDI Provider Failover List
Creating a JNDI Provider Failover List
You can configure Integration Server to automatically connect to an alternate JNDI provider if the connection to the primary JNDI provider becomes unavailable.
Use the Edit JNDI Provider Alias page to create a JNDI provider failover list containing alternate URLs that Integration Server can use if the primary connection fails.
Keep the following points in mind when adding JNDI provider URLs to the failover list:
*The JNDI providers must be the same type as the primary provider. For example, if the primary provider is IBM webMethods Broker, then the JNDI providers in the failover list must also be IBM webMethods Brokers.
*The administered objects on the providers must be identical to the each other.
*Once Integration Server connects to a JNDI provider, it continues to use that JNDI provider until the connection is lost or interrupted.
*When you start or restart a connection alias, Integration Server attempts to connect to the primary JNDI provider. If the connection fails, Integration Server immediately attempts to connect to the first JNDI provider in the failover list. If the connection fails, Integration Server attempts to connect to the next JNDI provider in the list.
*When using IBM webMethods Broker as a JNDI provider, you can keep objects in sync between IBM webMethods Brokers using IBM webMethods Broker territory. That way objects can automatically forward from on IBM webMethods Broker to another within the territory.
*When using a cluster of Universal Messaging realm servers as the JNDI provider, IBM recommends that you do not specify a Provider URL Failover List value. The realm URLS specified in Provider URL function as the failover list.