Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Integration Server for JMS Messaging | Working with JMS Connection Aliases | Creating a JMS Connection Alias | Allowing Multiple Connections for a JMS Connection Alias
Allowing Multiple Connections for a JMS Connection Alias
About the Connection Client ID
You can configure a JMS connection alias to instruct Integration Server to create a separate connection to the JMS provider for each JMS trigger that uses the alias. Creating separate connections for individual triggers can improve performance, especially when processing a high volume of messages across many triggers.
By default, an alias creates a single connection to the JMS provider, and each JMS trigger that uses the alias shares the same connection. Integration Server uses this same connection to send JMS messages when executing pub.jms* services that specify the JMS connection alias.
If you select the Create New Connection per Trigger check box when configuring a JMS connection alias, Integration Server creates a new connection to the JMS provider for each JMS trigger that uses the alias. These connections are in addition to the connection that Integration Server uses for sending JMS messages. Therefore, if a JMS connection alias is associated with 3 JMS triggers, there will be a total of 4 connections associated with the alias.
When an alias creates a separate connection for each trigger, you can configure the associated concurrent JMS triggers to obtain multiple connections to the JMS provider, thereby noticeably improving trigger throughput. Keep in mind, however, that each connection used by the trigger requires a dedicated Integration Server thread, regardless of the current throughput.
If you select the Create New Connection per Trigger check box, then the Ignore Locally Published feature on associated JMS triggers will not work. For the trigger to ignore locally published messages, the publisher and subscriber must share the same connection. When the JMS connection alias creates a new connection per trigger, the publisher and subscriber will not share the same connection.
Integration Server supports creating and using multiple connections for a single JMS connection alias with the supported JMS providers. For a list of supported JMS providers, see Supported JMS Providers.
When Integration Server creates multiple connections, Integration Server uses the same client ID for each connection. While the IBM webMethods Broker permits this, some JMS providers do not support the use of multiple connections with the same client ID or require additional configuration to support it. This can be particularly true when working with topics and/or durable subscribers. Review the JMS provider documentation before configuring the JMS connection alias or a JMS trigger to use multiple connections.
To use multiple connections for a single JMS connection alias when using IBM webMethods Broker as the JMS provider, the following must be true:
*IBM webMethods Broker must be IBM webMethods Broker version 7.1 or higher.
*The versions of following three IBM webMethods Broker jar files installed on Integration Server must be the 8.0 SP1 or higher versions of the files.
* Software AG_directory/common/lib/wm-brokerclient.jar
* Software AG_directory/common/lib/wm-jmsclient.jar
* Software AG_directory/common/lib/wm-jmsnaming.jar
For more information about configuring JMS triggers, see the IBM webMethods Service Development Help in IBM webMethods Designer.