Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Integration Server for JMS Messaging | Supported JMS Providers | Considerations and Example Configuration Information for Third-Party JMS Providers | Apache ActiveMQ Classic
Apache ActiveMQ Classic
Integration Server was tested with Apache ActiveMQ Classic version 5.16.*.
Files to copy:
Where ActiveMQ_HOME is the directory in which Apache ActiveMQ is installed, for example: apache-activemq-5.16.1-bin\apache-activemq-5.16.1
If you are using SSL/TLS to connect to Apache Active MQ broker, do the following:
*Use the keytool provided by Apache ActiveMQ to create a certificate for the broker, set up key and truststores, and import the ActiveMQ broker's public certificate into Integration Server.
*Set the properties in the JVM to specify the location of the keystore and truststore files for connecting with the ActiveMQ broker. For more information, see Configuring SSL Information for the Integration Server JVM.
*If you need to configure two-way SSL with the ActiveMQ broker, import the public certificate for Integration Server into the ActiveMQ broker truststore.