Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Integration Server for JMS Messaging | Monitoring a Connection Factory Object for Changes | Configuring Integration Server to Monitor a Connection Factory Object
Configuring Integration Server to Monitor a Connection Factory Object
Keep the following points in mind when configuring Integration Server to monitor the connection factory object used by a JMS connection alias.
*You can only monitor webMethods Connection Factory objects in a JNDI server.
*When monitoring a composite cluster connection factory object, Integration Server monitors for changes in the composite cluster connection factory object only. Integration Server does not monitor the constituent cluster connection factory objects for changes.
*To use a change listener to monitor the connection factory, the JNDI provider must support the EventContext interface.
*You can configure Integration Server to use the Poll for changes (interval defined by IBM webMethods Connection Factory) option when monitoring a cluster or composite connection factory only.
*When monitoring a connection factory by polling for changes, the frequency with which Integration Server polls for changes is dependent upon the connection monitoring period. Integration Server checks the connection at frequency determined by the connection monitoring period. As part of checking the connection, Integration Server determines whether the polling interval has elapsed. If it has, Integration Server polls for changes to the cluster connection factory. If the polling interval is less than the connection monitoring period (controlled by watt.server.jms.connection.monitorPeriod parameter), Integration Server does not poll for changes with the frequency specified by the polling interval.
*You must disable a JMS connection alias before you can edit it.
The procedure below provides instructions for configuring monitoring for a JMS connection alias that already exists. You can also configure monitoring at the time you create an alias.
*To configure Integration Server to monitor a connection factory
1. Open Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. Go to Messaging.
3. Under JMS Configuration, click JMS settings.
4. Under JMS Connection Alias Definitions, select the JMS connection alias for which you want to monitor the associated connection factory for changes.
5. Click Edit JMS Connection Alias.
6. Under Connection Protocol Settings, in the Monitor IBM webMethods Connection Factory list, select one of the following:
Indicate that Integration Server will not monitor the connection factory. This is the default.
Poll for changes (specify interval)
Monitor the connection factory by polling for changes at an interval that you specify.
Poll for changes (interval defined by IBM webMethods Connection Factory)
Monitor the connection factory at an interval determined by the refresh interval specified for the webMethods Connection Factory object. For more information about configuring a cluster connection factory, see Administering IBM webMethods Broker and IBM webMethods Broker Messaging Programmer’s Guide.
Register change listener
Monitor the connection factory by registering an event listener.
7. If you selected Poll for changes (specify interval), in the Polling Interval (minutes), specify the number of minutes between polling attempts. The polling interval must be a positive integer. The default value is 60 minutes.
8. Click Save Changes.
When Integration Server starts the JMS connection alias, Integration Server does the following:
*Verifies that the JMS connection alias connects to the IBM webMethods Broker
*Verifies that the JNDI provider supports the EventContext interface, if the JMS connection alias monitors the connection factory via an event listener
Integration Server throws a JMSSubsystemException if the any of the above criteria are not met.