Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Managing Event Triggers | Configuring Automatic Retry for Event Trigger Startup
Configuring Automatic Retry for Event Trigger Startup
When starting a streaming connection alias, Integration Server also starts the enabled event triggers that use the alias to retrieve events. If a streaming connection alias fails or becomes unavailable after being successfully started, Integration Server attempts to restart the enable event triggers once the connection alias is successfully restarted. During the start or restart process for the alias, attempts to start (or restart) the event triggers might fail. For example, if the event trigger and/or streaming provider are not properly configured, the trigger will not start.
If an event trigger does not start when a streaming connection alias starts (or restarts), Integration Server schedules a task to retry starting the event triggers and then continues with activities associated with starting the streaming connection alias. The trigger restart task, which runs in its own thread, attempts to restart the failed event triggers at a set interval. By default, the task executes every 30 seconds. The task completes after all failed triggers for the streaming connection alias successfully start, when the streaming connection alias is disabled, or the maximum retry attempts have been made. If the maximum retry attempts have been made and event triggers still do not start, the remaining event triggers likely need to be examined for configuration problems. When the configuration issues are resolved, the event trigger can be restarted manually using Integration Server.
Integration Server schedules one task for each streaming connection alias that has triggers that do not start when the alias starts up successfully. Integration Server writes server log messages as the Info, Debug, and Trace levels to indicate the progress of the triggers restart task. Because the restart task uses a separate thread from the one used to start the streaming connection alias, attempts to restart the event trigger do not impede the completion of the connection alias start up.
Integration Server provides server configuration parameters that you can use to control the interval at which the trigger restart task attempts to start the event triggers and the interval the task waits between attempts.
*watt.server.streaming.trigger.restartTaskRetryCount. Specifies the maximum number of retry attempts the trigger restart task makes to start the event triggers that fail to start when the streaming connection alias starts up. Integration Server makes the initial start attempt for an event trigger when starting the streaming connection alias used by the trigger. The default is 6 retry attempts.
*watt.server.streaming.trigger.restartTaskRetryInterval. Specifies the number of seconds that the trigger restart task waits between attempts to restart event triggers that failed to start when the streaming connection alias started. You must specify a positive integer. The default is 30 seconds.