Integration Server 11.1 | webMethods Package Manager CLI Reference | wpm Configuration | The wpm.yml Configuration File
The wpm.yml Configuration File
The wpm.yml file is the built-in configuration file for wpm. You can provide configuration information in the wpm.yml file to avoid providing it in an argument for a wpm command. For example, you can specify the target_installation location in the wpm.yml file instead of providing the -d argument for a command. You can also specify the package repositories from which wpm can install or update packages instead of providing the repository location and authentication information per command. Providing configuration in the wpm.yml file decreases the information that you need to provide at the command line, simplifying the wpm CLI.
The wpm.yml file included with wpm appears below and is located at: Software AG_directory/wpm.
version: 1

# Command line argument that overrides each key is given in parentheses.
# Relative path of the target installation of IS. (-d)

# Scan branches for versions. (-sb)
scan_branches: true

# Delete contents related to source code management from target directory on a successful install or update. (-kr)
cleanup: true

# Define your remote registries here (one or multiple, wpm or git)
# and reference them using -r from the command line interface.
type: wpr
working_dir: .

By default, the wpm.yml file includes a repository declaration for the IBM webMethods Package Registry, which is the official package registry hosted by IBM. The registry contains IBM packages that are available for installation. You can add other repositories declarations such as a GitHub repository or a private registry. For more information about declaring repositories, see Declaring Remote Repositories.
For more information about using IBM webMethods Package Registry, see the IBM webMethods Package Registry help at
To use a customized wpm.yml file with an Integration Server or Microservices Runtime in a Docker container, you can add the wpm.yml file to the base image (Docker image). The Docker images provided by by IBM in the Docker repository at include the default wpm.yml configuration file.