Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Controlling JSON Output | Formatting JSON Output to Make it More Readable
Formatting JSON Output to Make it More Readable
Integration Server includes a pretty print option to make the JSON content in a response more readable. When watt.server.json.prettyPrint is set to true, Integration Server formats the JSON content with carriage returns and indentation to make the output easier to read.
An individual request can override the watt.server.json.prettyPrint value by including the query parameter of jsonPrettyPrint=true or jsonPrettyPrint=false in the URL used to invoke a service. When URL to invoke a service includes jsonPrettyPrint=true, Integration Server formats the response with carriage returns and indentations.
This query parameter works with the following directives: invoke, admin, rest, and restv2.
Integration Server uses this query parameter only if Content-type: Application/json is added in the header.