Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Managing JMS Triggers | Introduction to JMS Trigger Management
Introduction to JMS Trigger Management
Integration Server and Integration Server Administrator provide ways for managing JMS triggers and the resources used by JMS triggers. Specifically, you can use the controls provided by Integration Server Administrator to:
*Increase or decrease the maximum number of server threads used for JMS triggers.
*Change the maximum execution threads for concurrent JMS triggers.
*Enable, disable, or suspend one or more JMS triggers.
*Delay the frequency with which a JMS trigger polls for more messages.
The JMS triggers page contains the majority of JMS trigger management features. This page, located via Messaging > JMS triggers, displays all of the JMS triggers that exist on the Integration Server along with a summary of each trigger. The summary includes the current status, state, and thread usage of the trigger as well as configuration information such as the JMS connection alias used by the trigger, the destinations to which the trigger subscribes, and the processing mode of the trigger. Integration Server Administrator provides a search capability that you can use to filter the list of displayed triggers or to locate a specific trigger.
On the JMS triggers page, Integration Server Administrator displays a table for standard JMS triggers and another for SOAP-JMS triggers. However, Integration Server Administrator displays the SOAP-JMS triggers table only if a package on Integration Server contains SOAP-JMS triggers and that package is loaded.
The following sections provide more information about managing JMS triggers.
Unless otherwise specified, the term “JMS triggers” encompasses SOAP-JMS triggers.