Integration Server 11.1 | Welcome to IBM webMethods Microservices Runtime and IBM webMethods Integration Server 11.1
Welcome to IBM webMethods Microservices Runtime and IBM webMethods Integration Server 11.1
Microservices Runtime
IBM webMethods Microservices Runtime is a lightweight container for hosting microservices developed in IBM webMethods Designer. Using Microservices Runtime, you can deliver microservices as a package that Integration Server includes a set of related services, interfaces, document types, and triggers that subscribe to topics or queues, or as a set of related packages of this kind. Microservices Runtime is fully compatible with Integration Server and can also host services you develop using IBM webMethods Designer and Integration Server.
Microservices Runtime provides a superset of the functionality available in Integration Server and includes features tailored for running microservices container.
Integration Server
IBM webMethods Integration Server is a run-time server that provides an environment for the orderly, efficient, and secure, execution of services. It supports the integration of diverse services and facilitates communication between systems. Integration Server decodes client requests, identifies the requested services, invokes the services, passes data to them in the expected format, encodes the output produced by the services, and returns output to the clients. Additionally, Integration Server authenticates clients, verifies that they are authorized to execute the requested service, maintains audit-trail logs, and promotes throughput using facilities such as service results caching.