Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Using the Dashboard | Services | Circuit Breaker Information
Circuit Breaker Information
Integration Server gathers circuit breaker statistics for each service with a configured circuit breaker.
Services that belong to a package listed in the watt.server.stats.packages.exclude property do not appear in the Circuit Breaker Information tab.
The circuit breaker feature is available by default for a service that resides on a Microservices Runtime. To use the circuit breaker feature with Integration Server, your Integration Server must have additional licensing.
If a circuit breaker is not configured for any service, the Circuit Breaker Information table displays the message "No Services with a Circuit Breaker Enabled".
Statistics for each service with a configured circuit breaker
The package that contains the service.
This column is not displayed by default. Click > Show Columns to view this column.
The fully qualified name of the service for which a circuit breaker is configured.
The state of service.
The state of the circuit. The circuit state can be one of the following:
*Closed. The service executes.
*Open. The service does not execute. Instead, depending on the circuit breaker configuration, the service returns an exception or executes an alternative service.
*Half-Open. The first request for this service since the circuit state changes to half-open results in service execution. All other requests wait. If the service executes successfully, the circuit is closed and waiting requests execute. If the service ends with a failure exception, the circuit is re-opened.
*Open Time. Time when circuit was opened.
Open Time
Time when action was performed to close the circuit i.e. to retry execute call.
Half-Open Time
Attempt to retry the execution of the actual Service is being made. If successful, Circuit is Closed; if unsuccessful, Circuit is Opened.
Closed Time
Time when circuit was last closed. Time here represents the last execution of a request that was successful.
Open Count
Number of times circuit has been opened since start of Integration Server.
Request Count
Number of incoming requests since circuit was opened last.