Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Using the Dashboard | Services | Service Instances
Service Instances
The Service Instances tab displays information about all the executed services and those currently executing. The data is for all the instances in the same cluster.
Services that belong to a package listed in the watt.server.stats.packages.exclude property appear in the Service Instances tab (unless it is excluded using the Filter control in the tab), but the Last Ran and the Cache, Prefetch, and Circuit Breaker columns for the service are empty.
The package that contains the service.
This column is not displayed by default. Click > Show Columns to view this column.
The full qualified name of the service that is running or has run.
Available threads
Displays the percentage of the threads available for the service. The value is shown only when you enable the concurrent requests limit for the service in Designer.
You can limit the number of concurrent executions of a service when it is invoked as a top-level service. At times, a few services might consume the majority of Integration Server resources available to process requests. To minimize the impact of requests for these frequently invoked services, you can limit the number of concurrent executions of the service in the service properties in Designer. For more information, see webMethods Service Development Help.
If the concurrent request limit is set and the service meets the maximum allowed concurrent executions, subsequent requests for the service receives a "503 Service Unavailable" response.
Running Services
The number of instances of the service that are currently running. Click the number in this column to view a list of running instances. In the serviceName running instances dialog, you can view an individual thread dump, cancel the thread, or kill the thread.
The number of instances of this service that run in the specified time.
The number of successful runs of the service.
The number of executions of this service that ended in failure.
Last Ran
Displays the date and time the service was last executed.
Response Time (ms)
Response time is the average time of all responses within a given sampling interval, such as 60 seconds.
The minimum time, in milliseconds, that the service took to run in the selected period.
The average time, in milliseconds, that the service took to run in the selected period.
The maximum time, in milliseconds, that the service took to run in the selected period.
Cache, Prefetch, Circuit Breaker
Indicates whether the service’s caching option or prefetch option is enabled, or whether the service is a circuit breaker. Accordingly, one or more icons are displayed.
* Indicates Cache is enabled.
* Indicates Prefetch is enabled.
* Indicates the service is a Circuit Breaker.
The watt.server.dashboard.service.responseTime.threshold server configuration parameter determines whether a particular execution of a service is slow enough to be flagged for maximum response time on the Service instances tab. For more information, see watt.server.dashboard.service.responseTime.threshold in watt.server..