Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Integration Server for Streaming | Logging for Streaming
Logging for Streaming
Integration Server writes logging data for event streaming to the following logs:
*Server log. Contains information about operations and errors that occur on Integration Server. The logging levels for the following server logger facility codes determine how much data is generated for different areas of streaming:
*179 (Streaming) controls logging for connectivity operations and interactions with the data stream source by consumers, event triggers, and streaming connection aliases.
*180 (Event Stream Processing) controls logging for event processing, including execution of stream processing steps.
*181 (Event Stream Tracking) controls logging for trigger activities such as polling, whether a polling request returned events, acknowledgements, and auto commit.
By default, the server log location is: Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\logs\server.log.
*event-streaming.log. Contains logging for the streaming client. The contents of event-streaming.log are controlled by the file. The properties file lists two loggers:
*com.softwareag.eventstreaming controls logging by the Integration Server streaming client that interfaces with streaming provider clients.
org.apache.kafka controls logging for the Apache Kafka client which interfaces with the Kafka streaming provider.
The event-streaming.log is located at: Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\logs
The file is located at: Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\config\
Each logger in the file can be set to a different log level. The default log levels for com.softwareag.eventstreaming and org.apache.kafka are info and warn, respectively. Below is the portion of the file that controls the logging levels.
To modify the log levels for the loggers in the file, use a text editor to edit the file, and then restart Integration Server.