Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring a Public Cache that Supports JSR 107 on Integration Server | Configuring Integration Server to Connect to a JSR 107 Public Cache
Configuring Integration Server to Connect to a JSR 107 Public Cache
An Integration Server can use only one type of JSR 107-compliant public cache at a time. For example, an Integration Server cannot use the Hazelcast and Redis cache clients at the same time. You must configure Integration Server to connect to just one of them.
Before You Begin
Before you configure Integration Server to connect to a JSR 107 public cache, you must:
1. Check the cache vendor documentation for the current version of the caching jars and their dependencies.
2. Place the current version of the jars required by the public cache vendor in the Integration Server class path (in the IntegrationServer/lib/jars/custom directory).
3. Set up the cache on the remote caching server as described in the documentation from the vendor of the JSR 107 public cache.
4. Create a configuration file with the cache client details. The configuration file includes the URL of the caching server and other client details required by the public cache vendor. For details about how to create a configuration file, see the documentation from the vendor of the JSR 107 public cache.
5. Place the configuration file in the default location:
For Integration Server: Integration Server_directory\IntegrationServer\instances\<instanceName>\config\Caching\jsr107
For Microservices Runtime: Integration Server_directory\IntegrationServer\config\Caching\jsr107
To override the default location, you can also specify a custom file path for the configuration file as the value for the SAG_IS_JSR_CONFIG_PATH system environment vatiable.
Connect to a JSR 107 Public Cache
To interact with the public cache on the remote caching server, Integration Server requires details, such as the name of the caching provider and the configuration file for the cache client. The following table lists the server configuration parameters that you specify in the server configuration file to connect Integration Server to a JSR 107 cache:
For this parameter
The fully qualified class name of the caching provider. The class name is specific for each third-party JCache provider and is described in the vendor documentation.
The name of the configuration file that has the details of the public cache client.
Optional. The name of the cache that stores the service results in the third-party public cache. If you do not specify a name, Integration Server uses the default name ServiceResults.
Optional. Set to true to cache and return values only for the parameters defined in the service output signature. The default is false and Integration Server caches the entire output pipeline.
Optional. Set to true to encode the service results before serializing and placing the results in the service results cache. The default is false and Integration Server does not encode the service results.
Note that you must restart Integration Server for the changes to the parameters to take effect.
For detailed information about the location of the server configuration file and how to set the parameters in the file, see Introduction in the server configuration parameter reference.