webMethods Developer Portal Documentation
About this Documentation
Document Conventions
Online Information and Support
Data Protection
Getting Started with Developer Portal
Let's get you started
Developer Portal Overview
Quick Start Milestones
Installing stand-alone Developer Portal using Docker
How Do I launch and log on to Developer Portal?
Next steps...
Using Developer Portal
Why do Organizations Expose APIs?
Why do APIs Need to be Managed?
About webMethods Developer Portal
How do I configure SMTP settings to send emails?
How do I configure password policy?
Security Settings
How do I configure user account lockout settings?
How do I configure multi-factor authentication settings?
How do I configure advanced security settings?
How do I configure user session settings?
How do I configure email notification templates?
List of email notification templates available in Developer Portal
How do I configure webhooks to notify events to an external system?
List of events
How do I configure webhooks to notify user sign-up and application requests to an external approval system?
How do I specify the Developer Portal URL for reference from external systems?
How do I specify Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) URLs?
How do I update the Developer Portal license?
How do I configure the default group and community for a new user?
How do I view audit log events?
Configuring Default Language
Configuring Personal Profile Settings
Configuring Payment Gateway
Adding Payment Details (for consumers)
Externalizing configurations
Data Backup and Restore
How do I take a backup?
Setting Backup Limit
How do I restore data from a backup file?
High availability Configuration
Configuring High Availability
Configuring API Data Store
Configuring Ignite
Configuring Developer Portal
Configuring Load Balancer
Developer Portal Ports Configuration
Ports Configuration
Configuring Keystore
Disabling HTTPS port
Directing requests to HTTPS port
Configuring Developer Portal Communication with secured API Gateway
Securing API Data Store
Managing Themes
How do I create a theme for customizing the Developer Portal UI?
Customize pages
How do I customize a block on a page?
Customization fields
How do I add a new block and component?
How do I move blocks in a page?
How do I remove a block from a page?
How do I add a page?
How do I assign access to a custom page?
Customize UI Components
How do I add a new item to the top navigation bar?
How do I customize the top navigation bar?
How do I customize the Sign up page?
How do I customize the API grid displayed in API gallery?
How do I customize the package grid?
How do I customize the API details pane?
How do I customize the plans grid?
How do I add the language switcher icon?
Customize Labels
How do I add new UI labels?
Customize Color Schemes
How do I customize the color scheme used in a screen?
How do I customize the text and icon displayed in browser header?
Customization using Web components
How do I register a web component?
Sample Web component files
Customization example
Native Registration
How do I add a user?
How do I add a user group?
Inviting users to sign up
How do I assign privileges to a user?
Disabling user registration from the Sign up page
Onboarding Strategy
How do I configure onboarding strategy to process user sign-up requests?
How do I configure an approval workflow to process an internal approval onboarding strategy?
Approving User Onboarding Requests
LDAP Users and Groups Onboarding
How do I create an LDAP connection to import users from a LDAP server?
How do I create an LDAP connection to import users from a secured LDAP server?
How do I specify attributes for the LDAP connection established with an LDAP server?
How do I import users and user groups from an LDAP server?
Single Sign-On Users Onboarding
SAML SSO Onboarding
How do I onboard users using their SAML service provider credentials?
How do I configure SAML settings to specify user onboarding configurations?
User Onboarding using Social Media Account
How do I onboard users using their Social media credentials?
User Preferences
Modifying user details
Changing your Password
Viewing communities
Configuring notification preference
Scheduling usage reports
Data Anonymization
How do I enable or disable automatic anonymization of deleted user data through Developer Portal UI?
How do I anonymize the deleted user data using REST API?
How do I create a provider?
How do I map an API or a callback URL to a provider?
Third-party API Gateway Configuration
Integrating Third-party Gateway with Developer Portal
Creating and Attaching Webhook
Publishing APIs from Third-party Gateway to Developer Portal
Requesting Application for Third-party Gateway APIs
Publishing API analytics to Developer Portal
API Partner Isolation
API Partner Capabilities
Onboarding an API partner
Assigning Asset Ownership
How do I create a community?
How do I map the required user, group, or API to a community?
Configuring visibility of users based on communities
How do I create an API?
How do I edit the basic attributes of an API?
How do I edit the advanced attributes of an API?
How do I create a new version of an API?
Viewing Code Snippets of REST APIs
Downloading Client Software Development Kit (SDK) for REST API resources
Configuring rate limit for APIs
Trying APIs
Trying a REST API
Trying a SOAP API
Trying a OData API
Authorization fields
Troubleshooting Tips: Testing APIs published from API Gateway
How do I configure onboarding strategy to process application or subscription requests?
Creating an application
How do I create an application from Manage applications screen?
How do I create an application from API details screen?
How do I create an application from Try API screen?
Approving Application or Package Subscription Requests
Custom Asset Management
How do I configure the asset types to publish custom assets to Developer Portal?
How do I add a custom asset to publish to Developer Portal?
How do I add custom asset gallery to UI?
Lifecycle Management of APIs and Packages
Lifecycle Feature Considerations
Customizing Lifecycle States
Sample scenario
How do I enable the lifecycle feature for APIs and packages?
Modifying State of APIs
How do I change the state of an API to expose it to consumers?
How do I change the state of a Live API for maintenance?
How do I change an API's state to retire it from usage?
Modifying State of Packages
How do I change the state of a package to expose it to consumers?
How do I change the state of a Live package for maintenance?
How do I change a package's state to retire it from usage?
Viewing analytics
Managing APIs
Managing applications
Managing approvals
Managing backup and restore
Managing comments
Managing communities
Managing configurations
Managing custom assets
Viewing Developer Portal events
Viewing Developer Portal health
Managing notifications
Getting OAuth token
Managing packages
Managing plans
Managing providers
Performing search
Managing teams
Managing topics
Managing application and subscription requests
Managing users
Managing webhooks
Docker support
Docker support
Generating Docker Image from Installation
Running the Developer Portal Docker Image
API Programs
About API Programs
Creating a hackathon
Inviting participants for an API program
Assigning owners for an API program
Registering for a hackathon
Adding team members for a hackathon
Adding a hackathon project
Beta programs
Creating a beta program
Registering for a beta program
Adding ticket for a beta program
webMethods Developer Portal Documentation