Software AG Command Central Help
Document Conventions
Online Information and Support
Data Protection
Getting Started with Command Central
What is Software AG Command Central?
Command Central Architecture
Install Command Central
Override Bootstrapper Command Default Values
Log on and Start or Stop Command Central
Configure HTTP/S Proxy
Create Credentials Aliases
Connect to Software AG Repositories
Create, Refresh, or Change Sources for a Mirror Repository of Products or Fixes
Import Product License Keys for Instances or Components
Register Bootstrap Installers in Command Central
Additional Configuration for Command Central in a Production Environment
Change or Reset the Command Central Administrator Password
Change or Reset the Platform Manager Administrator Password
Secure the Connection Between Command Central and Platform Managers
Control User Access to Command Central
Configure Command Central to Use JAAS for Advanced Authentication
Set Timeouts and Thread Pool Size for Command Central
Configure the Command Central and Platform Manager JVMs
Upgrade Command Central
Creating, Managing, or Upgrading Standalone Product Installations
Understanding Standalone Product Installations
Understanding Product and Fix Repositories
Understanding Asset Repositories
Default and Custom Passwords for Product Administrator Users
Connect an Existing Product Installation to Command Central and Add It to Environments
Create a New Standalone Installation
Create Asset Repositories
Before Installing Products
Before Installing Fixes and Support Patches
Before Creating Database Components
Install and Configure Platform Manager for a New Standalone Installation
About Installing Platform Manager
Install Platform Manager Using the Command Central Bootstrapper
Install Platform Manager Using the Command Central Web User Interface
Supported Algorithms for SSH Connections
Configure Platform Manager
Create a New Standalone Product Installation and Add It to Environments
Create and Update Product Instances
Change the Status of an Instance or Component
Install Fixes
Install Support Patches
Compare Products, Fixes, and Instances
View KPIs and Alerts for an Instance or Component
Add an Environment to a Landscape
Configure Shared Secrets to Encrypt Instance and Component Passwords
Encrypt User Passwords for Product Configurations
Group Product Instances or Components
Monitor the Licensing State for a Landscape
Upgrade a Standalone Product Installation
Creating or Upgrading Software Stacks
Understanding Software Stacks
Understanding Product and Fix Repositories
Create a Software Stack
Before Installing Products
Before Installing Fixes and Support Patches
Before Creating Database Components
Create a Software Stack
Create Software Stacks from Existing Environments
Rename a Software Stack or Layer
Upgrade Software Stacks
Common Use Cases with Command Central
How to Get Templates for Upgrade
Install or Upgrade Product Installations with Composite Templates
Install or Upgrade Product Installations with Stacks
Update Licenses on a Number of Nodes with Templates
Command Central GitHub Projects
Automate Command Central Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade
Default Templates on GitHub
Using Composite Templates
About Automated Provisioning of Environments
What is a Composite Template?
Understanding the Composite Template Definition
Creating a Custom Composite Template
How Command Central Processes a Composite Template for Installations of Release 10.3 or Higher
How Command Central Processes a Composite Template for Installations of Release 10.1 or Lower
Importing a Template into Command Central
Creating a New Environment Using a Composite Template
Updating Command Central to the Latest Fix
Updating a Provisioned Environment Using the Same Composite Template
Migrating to a Different Host with Cloned Database
Migrating Using Disconnected Migration
Migrating a Product Instance
Changing an Instance Name During Migration
Migrating Platform Manager Using a Template
Monitoring the Status of a Composite Template
Validating a Composite Template
Correcting a Failed Composite Template Apply Operation
Using Micro Templates
What is a Micro Template?
When to Use Micro Templates and When a Composite Template?
Connecting to the Default Templates Repository
Designing Micro Templates
Using the Sample Micro Templates
Creating a User-Defined Micro Template
Exporting the Platform Manager of an Installation to a Template
Exporting an Installed Product Instance to a Micro Template
Adding Configurations in an Exported Micro Template
Exporting the Database for Products in an Installation to a Template
Validating a Micro Template
Bootstrapping Platform Manager on a Remote Machine Using a Template
Bootstrapping Platform Manager Using the Default SSH and WinRM Templates
Bootstrapping on a Remote Machine with a Substitute User
Securing Passwords in Templates
Encrypting Passwords in Templates
Managing Database Components Using a Template
Managing Database Components Using a Template
Supported Database Component Configurator Parameters
Deploying Command Central Assets to Integration Cloud (Deprecated)
About Deploying Command Central Assets to webMethods Cloud Container (Deprecated)
Defining Environment Variables for Platform Manager Assets
How Platform Manager Deploys Assets with Dependencies
Command Central Composite Assets
About Command Central Composite Assets
Adding Assets to the Build Source Directory
Setting Build Properties for Command Central Assets
Building Command Central Composite Assets
Template Definition Reference
Tips for Writing in YAML
Reference Template DSL Definition
Infrastructure Micro Template Reference
Run-Time Micro Template Reference
Format of COMMON-* Configuration Types in the Template Definition
Using the Command Line Interface
Installing CLI as a Remote Client
Displaying Help for the Command Line Interface
Displaying the Version of the Command Line Interface
Executing Command Central Commands
Executing Platform Manager Commands
Getting Familiar with Using Commands
Return Codes from Command Execution
Invoking Commands from Scripts
Creating Shell Scripts that Execute Commands
Creating Ant Scripts that Execute Commands
Parameters to Use with the ccsetup Task
Parameters to Use with the cc Task
Using a Unix Shell Script to Change the Administrator Password for Command Central
Managing Database Components Using CLI Commands
Installing Database Scripts for Software AG Products
Supported Database Component Configurator Actions
Create Database Components
Drop Database Components
Migrate Database Components
Recreate Database Components
Searching for Database Component Configurator Details
Options for the Commands
Common Options
Recommendations When Selecting a Content Type
Administration Commands
About Administration Commands
sagcc exec administration
sagcc list administration
Configuration Commands
Return Statuses from Executing Configuration Commands
Adding Configurations Exported from an Installed Product Instance to an Input File
sagcc get configuration common
sagcc get configuration compare
sagcc create configuration data
sagcc delete configuration data
sagcc get configuration data
sagcc update configuration data
sagcc get configuration instances
sagcc list configuration instances
sagcc get configuration types
sagcc list configuration types
sagcc exec configuration validation create
sagcc exec configuration validation delete
sagcc exec configuration validation update
Diagnostics Logs Commands
sagcc get diagnostics logs
sagcc get diagnostic logs export file
sagcc list diagnostics logs
Instance Management Commands
sagcc create instances
sagcc delete instances
sagcc get instances
sagcc list instances supported products
sagcc update instances
Inventory Commands
sagcc list inventory assets
sagcc create inventory components attributes
sagcc get inventory components
sagcc get inventory components attributes
sagcc list inventory components
sagcc list inventory components attributes
sagcc update inventory components
sagcc update inventory components attributes
sagcc delete inventory components attributes
sagcc get inventory fixes
sagcc get inventory fixes compare
sagcc list inventory fixes
sagcc get inventory products
sagcc get inventory products compare
sagcc list inventory products
Specifying Search Criteria for Inventory Commands
Jobmanager Jobs Commands
sagcc list jobmanager jobs
sagcc list jobmanager landscapejobs
Landscape Commands
sagcc add landscape environments nodes
sagcc create landscape environments
sagcc delete landscape environments
sagcc get landscape environments
sagcc list landscape environments
sagcc remove landscape environments nodes
sagcc update landscape environments
sagcc create landscape nodes
sagcc delete landscape nodes
sagcc exec landscape nodes generateNodeId
sagcc get landscape nodes
sagcc list landscape nodes
sagcc update landscape nodes
License Key Commands
sagcc add license-tools keys
sagcc get license-tools keys
sagcc list license-tools keys
sagcc update license-tools keys
sagcc delete license-tools keys
sagcc update configuration license
License Reports Commands
sagcc list license-tools reports installation-report
sagcc create license-tools reports installation-report
sagcc get license-tools reports installation-report reportid
sagcc delete license-tools reports installation-report
sagcc list license-tools reports
sagcc get license-tools reports installation-report output PDF
sagcc get license-tools reports installation-report output XML
Lifecycle Commands
sagcc exec lifecycle
Specifying Search Criteria for Lifecycle Commands
Monitoring Commands
sagcc get monitoring
sagcc get monitoring state
sagcc list monitoring alerts
Provisioning Bootstrap Installers Commands
sagcc list provisioning bootstrap installers
sagcc exec provisioning bootstrap nodes
Provisioning Fixes Commands
sagcc exec provisioning fixes install
sagcc exec provisioning fixes uninstall
sagcc list provisioning fixes uninstall dependencies
Provisioning Products Commands
sagcc exec provisioning products install
sagcc exec provisioning products uninstall
sagcc list provisioning products uninstall dependencies
Provisioning Assets Commands
sagcc exec provisioning assets install
sagcc exec provisioning assets uninstall
Repository Commands
About Repository Commands
Using HTTPS to Connect to Repositories
sagcc add repository assets flatfile
sagcc add repository assets git
sagcc delete repository assets
sagcc list repository assets
sagcc list repository assets content
sagcc list repository assets dependencies
sagcc list repository assets namespaces
sagcc update repository assets flatfile
sagcc update repository assets git
sagcc add repository fixes
sagcc add repository products
sagcc delete repository
sagcc delete repositories
sagcc exec repository discover
sagcc exec repository fixes export
sagcc exec repository products export
sagcc exec repository mirror validateContent
sagcc exec repository refresh
sagcc list repository
sagcc list repository discover
sagcc list repository fixes content
sagcc list repository fixes dependencies
sagcc list repository fixes readme
sagcc list repository products content
sagcc list repository products dependencies
sagcc list repository products languages
sagcc update repository fixes
sagcc update repository products
Resources Commands
sagcc list resources icons
Security Credentials Commands
sagcc add security credentials
sagcc add security credentials sharedsecret
sagcc delete security credentials
sagcc exec security encrypt
sagcc exec security encrypt input
sagcc get security credentials
Stacks and Layers Commands
sagcc create stacks
sagcc create stacks auto
sagcc create stacks layers
sagcc create stacks layers nodes master
sagcc delete stacks
sagcc delete stacks layers
sagcc exec stacks migrate
sagcc list stacks
sagcc list stacks layers
sagcc list stacks layers fixes
sagcc get stacks layers fixes compare
sagcc list stacks layers instances
sagcc list stacks layers instances compare
sagcc list stacks layers nodes
sagcc get stacks layers nodes master
sagcc list stacks layers products
sagcc list stacks migrate properties
sagcc list stacks migrate status
sagcc get stacks layers products compare
sagcc update stacks index
sagcc update stacks layers index
sagcc update stacks alias
sagcc update stacks layers alias
Template Commands
sagcc delete templates composite
sagcc exec templates composite apply
sagcc exec templates composite import
sagcc exec templates composite import repository
sagcc exec templates composite generate
sagcc exec templates composite generate input
sagcc exec templates composite generate migration
sagcc exec templates composite validate
sagcc get templates composite export
sagcc list templates composite
sagcc list templates composite properties
Configuring Command Central and Platform Manager
Configuration Types for Command Central and Platform Manager OSGI
Configuration Types for Command Central and Platform Manager OSGI ENGINE
Run-time Monitoring States for OSGI-CCE and OSGI-SPM
Run-time Monitoring States for OSGI-SPM-ENGINE
Server System Properties
SSH Connections
Disk Compaction Strategy for the Command Central Cache
Using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Protocol and Certificates in Command Central
Using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Protocol and Certificates in Command Central
Preparing to Replace the Default Keystore and Truststore
Configuring the HTTPs Ports to Use the Custom Keystore
Update the HTTPs Port of the Command Central Server
Update the HTTPs Port of Platform Manager
Update the SSL Connection Settings for the CLI
Considerations When Using Configuration Properties
Introduction to Command Central REST API
About Command Central REST API
Securing Command Central REST API
Session Management
Command Central REST API Resources
Supported Media Types
HTTP Response Codes
Summary of REST Services
Logging and Troubleshooting
Using the Command Central and Platform Manager Logs
Viewing Logs in Command Central
Command Central Logs
Platform Manager Logs
Using the Correlation ID
Logging Levels
Changing the Log Configuration Settings
Changing the Wrapper Logs Configuration
Deleting Logs
Size-based Log Rotation (Default)
Delete Command Central Logs
Delete Platform Manager Logs
Time-based Log Rotation
Activity Appears to Stop During File Download
Bootstrapper Fails with Package Error Such as "installer.jar not found"
Expected Product-specific Features are Not Available
Cannot Connect to Repositories Due to Invalid Credentials
Cannot Create Mirror Repository Because of Network Issues
Command Central Cannot Connect to Platform Managers
Values with Special Characters in a Template YAML File
Collecting Diagnostic Information with the Syscap UNIX Shell Script
Applying a Template Fails Because Product Configurations Fail to Apply
Setting the Values of Java System Properties in the Command Central Web User Interface and CLI
Remote Operations Run by Command Central over SSH get Terminated
Command Central Cache Takes too Much Disk Space
Software AG Command Central Help