CloudStreams 11.1 | IBM webMethods CloudStreams Documentation | Administering webMethods CloudStreams | Policies | The Policy Actions | The Policy Action Reference | Monitor Service Performance
Monitor Service Performance
This action monitors a user-specified set of run-time performance conditions for a virtual service, and sends alerts to a specified destination when the conditions are violated.
For the counter-based metrics (Total Request Count, Success Count, Fault Count), CloudStreams sends an alert as soon as the performance condition is violated, without having to wait until the end of the metrics tracking interval. CloudStreams sends only one alert the first time the condition is violated during the interval. (It will send another alert the next time a condition is violated during a subsequent interval.) For information, see The Intervals for Metric Publishing.
For the aggregated metrics (Average Response Time, Minimum Response Time, Maximum Response Time), CloudStreams aggregates the response times at the end of the interval, and then sends an alert if the performance condition is violated.
By default, this action does not include metrics for failed invocations. To include metrics for failed invocations, set the pg.PgMetricsFormatter.includeFaultsparameter to true in IntegrationServer_directory\instances\instance_name\packages\WmCloudStreams\config\resources\ For more information, see Advanced Settings.
Input Parameters
Alert Interval
The time period (in minutes) in which to monitor performance before sending an alert if a condition is violated.
Alert Frequency
Specifies how frequently to issue alerts.
*Every Time: Issue an alert every time one of the specified conditions is violated.
*Only Once: Issue an alert only the first time one of the specified conditions is violated.
Alert Message
A text message to include in the alert.
Send Data To
Specify where to log the alerts.
*Database: Default. Logs the alerts in the CloudStreams Analytics database.
Ensure that you also select the Database Publishing option in Integration Server Administrator (go to Solutions > CloudStreams > Administration > Database), as described in Setting the Database Options for Publishing Performance Metrics and Events.
*Server Log: Logs the alerts in the server log of the Integration Server on which CloudStreams is running.
Also choose a value in the Log Level field:
*Info: Logs error-level, warning-level, and informational-level alerts.
*Warn: Logs error-level and warning-level alerts.
*Error: Logs only error-level alerts.
The Integration Server Administrator's logging level for CloudStreams should match the logging level specified for this action (in the Integration Server Administrator go to Settings > Logging > Server Logger).
Metrics Collection Level
The run-time performance metrics for a virtual service (which is invoked only in the inbound run-time scenario), are collected at the service level. That is, the metrics for all invocations of a single virtual services are aggregated together during your specified metrics publishing interval and then published.
In contrast, the metrics for a connector virtual service (which is invoked only in the outbound run-time scenario) can be collected at two different levels of metric collection:
*Cloud Connector Service: Remember that a single connector virtual service can be used by multiple cloud connector services. Select this option if you want to collect the metrics for the connector virtual service broken down by each separate cloud connector service that uses it. For example, if a connector virtual services is used by three cloud connector services, then this option will collect the metrics of that service separately, broken down by each of the three cloud connector services that use it.
*Connector Virtual Service(default): Select this option if you want to aggregate all the metrics for a single connector virtual service, even if it is used by multiple cloud connector services. For example, if a connector virtual service is used by three cloud connector services, then this option will collect the combined metrics for the connector virtual service by all three of the cloud connector services that use it.
Action Configuration
Right-click the action name and click Add Action Configuration to specify a condition to monitor. To do this, select a condition Name (the metric to monitor), an Operator, and a Value for the condition. You can select Add Action Configuration multiple times to add multiple conditions. Multiple conditions are connected by the AND operator.
Name: The metric to monitor, which can be:
*Availability: Indicates whether the service was available to the specified consumers in the current interval. A value of 100 indicates that the service was always available. If invocations fail due to policy violations, this parameter could still be as high as 100. That is, SOAP faults returned by the native provider or faults due to CloudStreams policy enforcements do not impact Availability. Only errors that CloudStreams interprets as a provider service being down will impact Availability.
*Average Response: The average amount of time it took the service to complete all invocations in the current interval. Response time is measured from the moment CloudStreams receives the request until the moment it returns the response to the caller.
*Fault Count: The number of faults returned in the current interval.
*Maximum Response : The maximum amount of time to respond to a request in the current interval.
*Minimum Response: The minimum amount of time to respond to a request in the current interval.
*Successful Request Count: The number of successful requests in the current interval.
*Total Request Count: The total number of requests (successful and unsuccessful) in the current interval.
Alert Email
Right-click the action name and click Add Alert Email if you want to send the monitoring alerts to an email address you specify in the Email ID field. You can select Add Alert Email multiple times to add multiple email addresses.
Ensure that you set the email options in Integration Server Administrator (go to Solutions > CloudStreams > Administration > Email), as described in Setting the E-mail Options for Logging Payloads and Sending Performance Monitoring Alerts.