CloudStreams 11.1 | IBM webMethods CloudStreams Documentation | Administering webMethods CloudStreams | Policies | The Policy Actions | The Policy Action Reference | Identify Consumer
Identify Consumer
Specifies the kind of consumer identifier (IP address, HTTP authorization token, etc.) that CloudStreams will use to identify consumer applications. You can select only one identifier. Alternatively, you can allow anonymous users to send requests, without restriction.
Input Parameters
Anonymous Usage Allowed
Allows all users to send requests, without restriction.
*True: Allows all users to send requests.
*False: Default. Allows only the users identified by your selected identifier (below) to send requests.
IP Address
Right-click the action name and click Add IP Address to identify consumer applications based on their originating IP addresses.
Host Name
Right-click the action name and click Add Host Name to identify consumer applications based on a host name.
HTTP Token
Right-click the action name and click Add HTTP Token if you want to use HTTP Basic authentication to verify the consumer's authentication credentials contained in the request's Authorization header. CloudStreams authorizes the credentials against the list of users registered in the Integration Server on which CloudStreams is running. This type of consumer authentication is referred to as preemptive authentication. If you want to use preemptive authentication, you should also include the action Require HTTP Basic Authentication in the policy.
If you choose to omit Require HTTP Basic Authentication, the client will be presented with a security challenge. If the client successfully responds to the challenge, the user is authenticated. This type of consumer authentication is referred to as non-preemptive authentication. For more information, see Require HTTP Basic Authentication.
If you select the value HTTP Token, do not include the Authorize Against Registered Consumers action in the policy. This is an invalid combination.
WSS Header Token
Right-click the action name and click Add WSS Header Token to validate user names and passwords that are transmitted in the SOAP message header in the WSS Username Token. If you select this option, you should also include the action Require WSS Username Token in the policy.
Right-click the action name and click Add XPATH Token to validate consumer applications based on an XML element (represented by an XPATH expression you specify in the XPATH to Identify Token field).
Consumer Certificate
Right-click the action name and click Add Consumer Certificate to identify consumer applications based on information in a WSS X.509 certificate. If you select this option, you should also include the Require X.509 Token or the Require Signing action in the policy.
User ID
If you are applying the Identify Consumer action to a connector virtual service, right-click the action name and click Add User ID. No other identifier is valid if you are applying the Identify Consumer action to a connector virtual service.
User ID identifies consumer applications based on a list of users who are registered in the Integration Server on which CloudStreams is running. (You need to apply the Identify Consumer action to a Connector Virtual Service if you apply the following actions to the Connector Virtual Service: Monitor Service Level Agreement or Throttling Traffic Optimization (if you select its Limit Traffic for Applications option)).