CloudStreams 11.1 | IBM webMethods CloudStreams Documentation | Administering webMethods CloudStreams | CloudStreams Configuration Options | The Streaming Options | Setting the Streaming Subscribers Options
Setting the Streaming Subscribers Options
Creating an ESB Service as a Streaming Subscriber Destination
Streaming subscriber behavior in case of an error
CloudStreams supports the following kinds of streaming client implementations:
*Client implementations based on the Comet library, which works with streaming services using the Bayeux protocol (for example, Salesforce).
*An HTTP client type, which is used for HTTP-based streaming service providers that use a long-lived HTTP connection to send data periodically to the client connected to them. For example, Twitter uses this mechanism to send updates made to their streaming API endpoints (Public, User and Site streams).
*To set the CloudStreams > Streaming > Subscribers options
1. In Integration Server Administrator, select Solutions > CloudStreams > Streaming > Subscribers.
2. Click Add New Subscriber, complete the following fields and click Save.
Enable Subscriber
Enables or disables the subscriber configuration. If the subscriber configuration is disabled, then no streaming notifications will be received by CloudStreams until it is enabled again.
Subscriber Name
A name that uniquely identifies a subscriber.
One of the streaming providers previously configured in Setting the Streaming Providers Options. The provider names are listed in a drop-down field, and each subscriber must choose the provider configuration to use in order for the streaming subscription to work.
Channel Endpoint
The topic/channel name or the endpoint address for the subscription request, depending on the streaming provider's client type, as follows:
*If the streaming provider's client type is Comet, specify the topic or channel name for the subscription request. This is usually of the form /channel_name. For example, for Salesforce it can something like /topic/InvoiceUpdate. You must not specify the complete subscription endpoint address (of the form http://server:port/...), because that information is part of the provider configuration information. The channel endpoint must refer to the actual channel name only. This endpoint will be appended to the provider endpoint before the actual streaming connection is made to the provider.
*If the streaming provider's client type is HTTP, specify the endpoint address without the actual stream/channel name included. For example, Twitter's Public Stream address is:
Content Type
The HTTP Content-Type header value. Not required if the Streaming Providers Client Type field is set to Comet.
HTTP Method
The HTTP method to use for the streaming request made to the service provider. Not required if the Streaming Providers Client Type field is set to Comet.
Request Body
The optional request entity or message contents to send to the service endpoint. This is only applicable for the POST, PUT, OPTIONS and PATCH HTTP methods; the other HTTP methods do not require a message body. Not required if the Streaming Providers Client Type field is set to Comet.
HTTP Headers
Additional HTTP headers (name-value pairs) to be sent to the service endpoint (optional). Not required if the Streaming Providers Client Type field is set to Comet.
Destination Type
The type of destination to which the streaming subscription response will be delivered when a notification is received from the provider:
*ESB Service: An Integration Server service that will be invoked when a streaming notification is received. The ESB Service Destination Configuration section appears if you select ESB Service as the Destination Type.
Service Name: The fully qualified service name comprises of two parts: a folder identifier and the service name. The folder identifier consists of one or more folder names. The service name is a single name of the service and must be of the fully qualified form
folder1.folder2:serviceName. For more information, see Creating an ESB Service as a Streaming Subscriber Destination.
Run As User: The user name you want Integration Server to use when running the service. Click the search icon to search for and select the user. A user can be selected from the local or central directory. Integration Server runs the service as if the user you specify is the authenticated user that invoked the service. If the service is governed by an Access Control List (ACL), ensure that you specify a user that is allowed to invoke the service.
*Journal Log: The IS journal log to which the streaming subscription response contents will be logged when a notification is received from the provider. You can specify the logging level in the Log Level field.