CloudStreams 11.1 | IBM webMethods CloudStreams Documentation | Administering webMethods CloudStreams | CloudStreams Configuration Options | The Administration Options | Setting the Consumers Options
Setting the Consumers Options
Use this option to define the consumer applications that should be allowed to access CloudStreams.
On this page, specify the precise values for the consumer identifier(s) that you specified for the Identify Consumer action in the policies of your virtual services.
*To set the CloudStreams > Administration > Consumers options
1. In Integration Server Administrator, select Solutions > CloudStreams > Administration > Consumers.
2. Click Add New Consumer, complete the following fields and click Save.
Assign a name for the consumer application.
Enter a description for the consumer application.
IP Addresses
Use this field when the Identify Consumer action is configured to identify consumer applications by IP address. Enter one or more IP addresses (or ranges of addresses) to identify consumers. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported.
If entering an IPv4 address, enter a 4-byte IP address. Note that:
*To specify an individual IP address, type the address in the From field. The Identify Consumer action will identify only those requests that originate from the specified IP address.
*To specify a range of IP addresses, type the lowest IP address in the From field and the highest IP address in the To field. For example, the values and indicate that requests originating from any IP address that lies between the specified range will be identified by CloudStreams.
If entering an IPv6 address, use the 128-bit IPv6 format. For example: 1234:5678:9ABC:DEF0:1234:5678:9ABC:DEF0.
To specify additional IP addresses, use the plus button to add more rows.
Identification Token
Use this field when the Identify Consumer action is configured to identify consumer applications by an identification token. Specify one or more of the following tokens. To specify additional tokens, use the plus button to add more rows.
*Host Name: To identify consumers based on a specified host name, type the host name (for example, in the Name field. CloudStreams will identify only those requests that originate from the specified host name.
*HTTP Authorization Token : To authorize consumers based on the user name transmitted in an HTTP authorization user token, type the user name (for example, testuser123) in the Name field. The application asset will identify only the requests that contain the specified user name encoded and passed in the HTTP user token in the HTTP Authorization header. Authentication is handled by LDAP or another external authentication mechanism.
*WS-Security Authentication Token: To authenticate consumers based on the user name transmitted in the SOAP or XML message header (HTTP body), type the user name (for example, userwss) in the Name field. CloudStreams will identify only the requests that contain the specified user name passed in the SOAP or XML message header. Authentication is handled by LDAP or another external authentication mechanism.
*A custom identification token (XPath): To identify consumers based on the result of applying an XPath expression on the SOAP or XML message or request, enter the XPath expression in the Name field. For example, typing //*[local-name()='Envelope']/*[local-name()='Body']/*[local-name()='echoInt']/*[local-name()='echoIntInput='][.='2']in the Name field will identify the requests that contain the XPath and the consumers.
*User ID: For connector virtual services only. Identifies consumers based on a list of users who are registered in the Integration Server on which CloudStreams is running.
X.509 Certificate
Use this field when the Identify Consumer action is configured to identify consumer applications by an X.509 v3 consumer certificate. Specify the path of a certificate file on the server.