Package com.webmethods.jms
package com.webmethods.jms
ClassDescriptionThis class can be used to query the product version and the build attributes of the jar.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.Connection and its subclasses.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.ConnectionFactory and its subclasses.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.Destination and its subclasses.Deprecated.Defines System properties and methods used to configure webMethods Broker API for JMS.This factory class provides access to connection factories and destinations without the need for JNDI.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.Message and its subclasses.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.MessageConsumer and its subclasses.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.MessageProducer and its subclasses.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.Queue.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.QueueBrowser.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.QueueConnection.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.QueueReceiver.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.QueueSender.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.Session and its subclasses.Interface defining webMethods administration methods for temporary destinations.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.Topic.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.TopicConnection.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.TopicPublisher.Interface defining webMethods extensions to javax.jms.TopicSubscriber.