Class AwSSLSocketInfo

    • Constructor Detail

      • AwSSLSocketInfo

        public AwSSLSocketInfo()
      • AwSSLSocketInfo

        public AwSSLSocketInfo​(long socketin,
                               AwSSLCertificate certificateIn)
        Constructor which stores the passed socket handle and certificate.
        socketin - A socket handle corresponding to a valid AwSSL socket.
        certificateIn - The certificate for the server.
    • Method Detail

      • getClientSocket

        public long getClientSocket()
        Returns the socket handle.
        the socket handle.
      • getSSLSocket

        public getSSLSocket()
        Returns the SSL Socket
      • getCertificate

        public AwSSLCertificate getCertificate()
        Returns the Certificate
      • getPeerCertificate

        public AwSSLCertificate getPeerCertificate()
        Returns the server certificate as a AwSSLCertificate object reference.
        an object reference to the server certificate.