Class BrokerTraceEvent

  • public class BrokerTraceEvent
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class is a data structure used to describe trace event.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      java.lang.String activation
      The activation value from the event's envelope.
      java.lang.String app_name
      The application name for the client on CLIENT_CREATE and CLIENT_DESTROY operations.
      java.lang.String broker_host
      The hostname of the broker as set in 'broker_name'.
      java.lang.String broker_name
      The name of the broker being added or removed from the territory on BROKER_ADDED and BROKER_REMOVED operations.
      java.lang.String businessContext
      The businessContext value from the event's envelope.
      java.lang.String client_group
      The client group name for the client on CLIENT_CREATE and CLIENT_DESTROY operations.
      java.lang.String client_id
      The client ID being created or destroyed for CLIENT_CREATE, CLIENT_DESTROY, CLIENT_CONNECT, and CLIENT_DISCONNECT operations.
      java.lang.String dest_client_id
      The client ID to which the event is being delivered for EVENT_PUBLISH, EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations where the event was delivered rather than published by the sending client.
      int encrypt_level
      Tells the encryption level of the client's connection.
      long event_id
      The 64-bit identifier for the event.
      java.lang.String event_type_name
      The event type name for EVENT_PUBLISH, EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations.
      int flags  
      boolean has_run_level
      Tells if the tag value is set.
      boolean has_tag
      Tells if the tag value is set.
      long ip_address
      The ip address of the client's host for CLIENT_CONNECT and CLIENT_DISCONNECT traces.
      boolean is_authenticated
      Tells the client is authenticated with the broker.
      int is_WireFormatVersion  
      byte[] is_WireTags
      The is_WireTags value from the event's envelope.
      int key
      The trace key.
      java.lang.String locale  
      java.lang.String locking_id
      The client ID that is holding a queue lock for CLIENT_LOCK, CLIENT_UNLOCK operartions.
      java.lang.String log_broker  
      java.lang.String log_host  
      java.lang.String other_string
      The raw trace string.
      java.lang.String recv_client_id
      The client ID for the receiving client for EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations.
      int runLevel
      To be used to set Adapter leveling in the new ART
      int seqn
      The trace sequence number.
      int session_count
      The number of open sessions for CLIENT_CONNECT and CLIENT_DISCONNECT traces.
      int session_id
      The client session ID for CLIENT_CONNEDCT and CLIENT_DISCONNECT traces.
      int tag
      The tag value from the event's envelope.
      static int TRACE_BROKER_ADDED  
      static int TRACE_BROKER_REMOVED  
      static int TRACE_CLIENT_CONNECT  
      static int TRACE_CLIENT_CREATE  
      static int TRACE_CLIENT_DESTROY  
      static int TRACE_CLIENT_DISCONNECT  
      static int TRACE_CLIENT_LOCK  
      static int TRACE_CLIENT_UNLOCK  
      static int TRACE_EVENT_DELETE  
      static int TRACE_EVENT_DROP  
      static int TRACE_EVENT_ENQUEUE  
      static int TRACE_EVENT_INSERT  
      static int TRACE_EVENT_PEEK  
      static int TRACE_EVENT_PUBLISH  
      static int TRACE_EVENT_RECEIVE  
      static int TRACE_OTHER  
      java.lang.String track_id
      The tracking identifier from the event's envelope.
      java.lang.String uuid
      The is_WireTags value from the event's envelope.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Create an empty entry
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String toString()  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final int TRACE_CLIENT_DISCONNECT
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • seqn

        public int seqn
        The trace sequence number.
      • key

        public int key
        The trace key. This tells which of the other values will be set.
      • client_id

        public java.lang.String client_id
        The client ID being created or destroyed for CLIENT_CREATE, CLIENT_DESTROY, CLIENT_CONNECT, and CLIENT_DISCONNECT operations. The client ID of the publisher of an event on EVENT_PUBLISH, EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations. Value is null for other operations.
      • locking_id

        public java.lang.String locking_id
        The client ID that is holding a queue lock for CLIENT_LOCK, CLIENT_UNLOCK operartions. Value is null for other operations.
      • recv_client_id

        public java.lang.String recv_client_id
        The client ID for the receiving client for EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations. This field is null if the event was for another broker instead of a client. Value is null for other operations.
      • ip_address

        public long ip_address
        The ip address of the client's host for CLIENT_CONNECT and CLIENT_DISCONNECT traces. This field is zero for all other traces.
      • session_id

        public int session_id
        The client session ID for CLIENT_CONNEDCT and CLIENT_DISCONNECT traces. This is the receiving client session ID for EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations. This field is zero if the client is not a shared state client.
      • session_count

        public int session_count
        The number of open sessions for CLIENT_CONNECT and CLIENT_DISCONNECT traces. This field is -1 if the client is not a shared state client.
      • dest_client_id

        public java.lang.String dest_client_id
        The client ID to which the event is being delivered for EVENT_PUBLISH, EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations where the event was delivered rather than published by the sending client. Value is null for other operations or if the event was not delivered.
      • broker_name

        public java.lang.String broker_name
        The name of the broker being added or removed from the territory on BROKER_ADDED and BROKER_REMOVED operations. The name of the broker where the event was forwarded from on EVENT_PUBLISH operations, null if from the local broker. The name of the broker that the event was queued for, received by, or dropped for EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations that are for another broker. null on these opererations if the event is related to a client.. Value is null for other operations.
      • broker_host

        public java.lang.String broker_host
        The hostname of the broker as set in 'broker_name'. See that field for details on when it is set. This field is the same.
        See Also:
      • app_name

        public java.lang.String app_name
        The application name for the client on CLIENT_CREATE and CLIENT_DESTROY operations. Value is null for other operations.
      • client_group

        public java.lang.String client_group
        The client group name for the client on CLIENT_CREATE and CLIENT_DESTROY operations. Value is null for other operations.
      • encrypt_level

        public int encrypt_level
        Tells the encryption level of the client's connection. Value is one of the BrokerConnectionDescriptor.ENCRYPT_LEVEL_* values. This value is null for traces other than CLIENT_CONNECT and CLIENT_DISCONNECT.
      • is_authenticated

        public boolean is_authenticated
        Tells the client is authenticated with the broker. This is true only if the client uses SSL to connect. This value is always ENCRYPT_LEVEL_NO_ENCRYPTION for traces other than CLIENT_CONNECT and CLIENT_DISCONNECT.
      • event_type_name

        public java.lang.String event_type_name
        The event type name for EVENT_PUBLISH, EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations. Value is null for other operations.
      • has_tag

        public boolean has_tag
        Tells if the tag value is set. The tag may be set for EVENT_PUBLISH, EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations. It is never set for other operations.
      • tag

        public int tag
        The tag value from the event's envelope. Valid only if 'has_tag' is true.
      • track_id

        public java.lang.String track_id
        The tracking identifier from the event's envelope. The track ID may be set for EVENT_PUBLISH, EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations. It is never set for other operations.
      • activation

        public java.lang.String activation
        The activation value from the event's envelope. It may be set for EVENT_PUBLISH, EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations. It is never set for other operations.
      • businessContext

        public java.lang.String businessContext
        The businessContext value from the event's envelope. It may be set for EVENT_PUBLISH, EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations. It is never set for other operations.
      • is_WireTags

        public byte[] is_WireTags
        The is_WireTags value from the event's envelope. It may be set for EVENT_PUBLISH, EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations. It is never set for other operations. Used only by integration server.
      • is_WireFormatVersion

        public int is_WireFormatVersion
      • locale

        public java.lang.String locale
      • uuid

        public java.lang.String uuid
        The is_WireTags value from the event's envelope. It may be set for EVENT_PUBLISH, EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations. It is never set for other operations. Used only by integration server.
      • event_id

        public long event_id
        The 64-bit identifier for the event. The identifier will always be set for EVENT_PUBLISH, EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations. It is never set (set to zero) for other operations.
      • other_string

        public java.lang.String other_string
        The raw trace string. This is only set for the OTHER operation, which only occurs if an unsupported trace is received. Value is null for other operations.
      • flags

        public int flags
      • log_host

        public java.lang.String log_host
      • log_broker

        public java.lang.String log_broker
      • has_run_level

        public boolean has_run_level
        Tells if the tag value is set. The tag may be set for EVENT_PUBLISH, EVENT_ENQUEUE, EVENT_RECEIVE, and EVENT_DROP operations. It is never set for other operations.
      • runLevel

        public int runLevel
        To be used to set Adapter leveling in the new ART
    • Constructor Detail

      • BrokerTraceEvent

        public BrokerTraceEvent()
        Create an empty entry
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object