Class BrokerTerritoryGatewayInfo

  • public class BrokerTerritoryGatewayInfo
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class stores configuration information about a territory gateway
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Create an empty territory gateway info object.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String toString()
      Returns a string with the territory gateway info in a form suitable for human viewing.
      java.lang.String toString​(int indent_level, boolean hide_gateway_broker, boolean hide_accessible_territories)
      Returns a string with the territory gateway info in a form suitable for human viewing.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • gateway_host_name

        public java.lang.String gateway_host_name
        The gateway host in this territory.
      • gateway_broker_name

        public java.lang.String gateway_broker_name
        The gateway broker in this territory.
      • remote_territory_name

        public java.lang.String remote_territory_name
        The name of the remote territory
      • remote_host_name

        public java.lang.String remote_host_name
        The remote broker's host name. If the gateway broker is not the same as the current broker, this field may be null
      • remote_broker_name

        public java.lang.String remote_broker_name
        The remote broker name. If the gateway broker is not the same as the current broker, this field may be null
      • remote_broker_description

        public java.lang.String remote_broker_description
        The description of the remote broker. If the gateway broker is not the same as the current broker, this field may be null
      • auth_type

        public int auth_type
        The authentication type in use on the gateway. Valid values are BrokerAdminClient.AUTH_TYPE_*.
      • encrypt_level

        public int encrypt_level
        The level of encryption required on the gateway. Valid values are BrokerConnectionDescriptor.ENCRYPT_LEVEL_*.
      • is_local

        public boolean is_local
        Whether or not the gateway is on the current broker.
      • is_complete

        public boolean is_complete
        Whether or not the gateway is complete. A gateway is complete if both the gateway and remote brokers agree on the gateway. It is not complete if the gateway broker has created a gateway, but the similar create was not done on the remote broker.
      • is_primary_gateway

        public boolean is_primary_gateway
        Whether or not the Cluster gateway is primary. Brokers in a Cluster (8.x and above) can have multiple gateway links to the other Cluster. User can set one of them as the Primary gateway for communication.
      • accessible_territories

        public java.lang.String[] accessible_territories
        The list of territories accessible through this gateway.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BrokerTerritoryGatewayInfo

        public BrokerTerritoryGatewayInfo()
        Create an empty territory gateway info object.
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Returns a string with the territory gateway info in a form suitable for human viewing.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString​(int indent_level,
                                         boolean hide_gateway_broker,
                                         boolean hide_accessible_territories)
        Returns a string with the territory gateway info in a form suitable for human viewing. This string does not include accessible territory information. If hide_gateway_broker is true, it omits the gateway broker's host and name, and the is_local information. If hide_accessible_territories is true, it omits the accessible territories and is_complete information.