Class BrokerSetFailureInfo

  • public class BrokerSetFailureInfo
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class is used to report failures from the BrokerAdminClient.setEventTypesAndClientGroups() method.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int FAILURE_TYPE_DEPENDENCY
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FAILURE_TYPE_PERMISSION
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • failure_type

        public int failure_type
        Failure_type can be any of the FAILURE_TYPE_* values.
      • event_type_names_to_destroy

        public java.lang.String[] event_type_names_to_destroy
        The list of event types which could not be destroyed.
      • client_group_names_to_destroy

        public java.lang.String[] client_group_names_to_destroy
        The list of client groups which could not be destroyed.
      • event_type_names_to_modify

        public java.lang.String[] event_type_names_to_modify
        The list of event types which could not be modified.
      • client_group_names_to_modify

        public java.lang.String[] client_group_names_to_modify
        The list of client groups which could not be modified.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BrokerSetFailureInfo

        public BrokerSetFailureInfo()
        Create a failure information object.