Class BrokerClientSession

  • public class BrokerClientSession
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class is a data structure used to describe client sessions.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Create an empty client session info.
      BrokerClientSession​(int new_session_id, int new_connection_id, int new_ip_address, int new_port, java.lang.String new_encrypt_protocol, java.lang.String new_encrypt_version, int new_encrypt_level, java.lang.String new_auth_protocol, java.lang.String new_auth_version, BrokerSSLCertificate new_ssl_certificate, BrokerDate new_connect_time, BrokerDate new_create_time, BrokerDate new_last_activity_time)
      Create an entry with values set.
      BrokerClientSession​(int new_session_id, int new_connection_id, int new_ip_address, int new_port, java.lang.String new_encrypt_protocol, java.lang.String new_encrypt_version, int new_encrypt_level, java.lang.String new_auth_protocol, java.lang.String new_auth_version, BrokerSSLCertificate new_ssl_certificate, BrokerDate new_connect_time, BrokerDate new_create_time, BrokerDate new_last_activity_time, java.lang.String new_ip_address_string)
      Create an entry with values set including IP Address as Strings.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String toString()
      Create an entry with values set.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • session_id

        public int session_id
        The session ID.
      • connection_id

        public int connection_id
        The connection ID.
      • ip_address

        public int ip_address
        This is for backward compatibility. Going forward use ip_address_str The client IP address.
      • ip_address_str

        public java.lang.String ip_address_str
        The client IP Address string.
      • port

        public int port
        The client port.
      • encrypt_protocol

        public java.lang.String encrypt_protocol
        The encryption protocol for the session.
      • encrypt_version

        public java.lang.String encrypt_version
        The encryption protocol version for the session (if encrypt_protocol is set).
      • encrypt_level

        public int encrypt_level
        The encryption level for the session (if encrypt_protocol is set). See BrokerConnectionDescriptor.ENCRYPT_LEVEL_* for values.
      • auth_protocol

        public java.lang.String auth_protocol
        The authentication protocol for the session.
      • auth_version

        public java.lang.String auth_version
        The authentication protocol version for the session (if auth_protocol is set).
      • ssl_certificate

        public BrokerSSLCertificate ssl_certificate
        The SSL certificate (if auth_protocol is "SSL").
      • auth_info

        public BrokerAuthInfo auth_info
        The Authentication info (if auth_protocol is "BasicAuth" or "SSL").
      • connect_time

        public BrokerDate connect_time
        The connect time for the socket between the client application and the broker. This may differ from the create_time if the socket is shared with other clients in the application.
      • create_time

        public BrokerDate create_time
        The client session create time.
      • last_activity_time

        public BrokerDate last_activity_time
        The client last activity time.
      • platform_info

        public java.util.Hashtable platform_info
        The platform information.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BrokerClientSession

        public BrokerClientSession()
        Create an empty client session info.
      • BrokerClientSession

        public BrokerClientSession​(int new_session_id,
                                   int new_connection_id,
                                   int new_ip_address,
                                   int new_port,
                                   java.lang.String new_encrypt_protocol,
                                   java.lang.String new_encrypt_version,
                                   int new_encrypt_level,
                                   java.lang.String new_auth_protocol,
                                   java.lang.String new_auth_version,
                                   BrokerSSLCertificate new_ssl_certificate,
                                   BrokerDate new_connect_time,
                                   BrokerDate new_create_time,
                                   BrokerDate new_last_activity_time)
        Create an entry with values set.
      • BrokerClientSession

        public BrokerClientSession​(int new_session_id,
                                   int new_connection_id,
                                   int new_ip_address,
                                   int new_port,
                                   java.lang.String new_encrypt_protocol,
                                   java.lang.String new_encrypt_version,
                                   int new_encrypt_level,
                                   java.lang.String new_auth_protocol,
                                   java.lang.String new_auth_version,
                                   BrokerSSLCertificate new_ssl_certificate,
                                   BrokerDate new_connect_time,
                                   BrokerDate new_create_time,
                                   BrokerDate new_last_activity_time,
                                   java.lang.String new_ip_address_string)
        Create an entry with values set including IP Address as Strings.
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Create an entry with values set.
        toString in class java.lang.Object