Package com.webmethods.jms.marshal
Interface Summary Interface Description WmMarshalIn Interface that is implemented by inbound marshallers to translate a BrokerEvent to a JMS Message
The marshaller is established by using theWmConnectionFactory.setMarshalIn
method.WmMarshalOut Interface that is implemented by outbound marshallers to translate a JMS Message to a BrokerEvent
The marshaller is established by using theWmConnectionFactory.setMarshalOut
method.WmMessageFactory The set of methods to create JMS messages inside of aWmMarshalIn
method. -
Class Summary Class Description ReadOnlyBytesMessage ReadOnlyMapMessage ReadOnlyMessage ReadOnlyObjectMessage ReadOnlyStreamMessage ReadOnlyTextMessage WmBrokerEventWrapper A wrapper around a BrokerEvent used by the outbound marshalling method.