Class WmBrokerEventWrapper

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class WmBrokerEventWrapper
    extends java.lang.Object
    A wrapper around a BrokerEvent used by the outbound marshalling method.
    It allows the destination to be set for events that are to be delivered to a specific Broker client.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • WmBrokerEventWrapper

        public WmBrokerEventWrapper()
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static WmBrokerEventWrapper create​(java.lang.Object brokerEvent)
                                           throws java.lang.Exception
        Create a wrapper for a BrokerEvent
        brokerEvent - the event that is to be wrapped
        the wrapped BrokerEvent
        java.lang.Exception - if Broker Java API classes are not found
      • setDestinationId

        public abstract void setDestinationId​(java.lang.String destId)
        Set the destination for delivery of the wrapped event. If the event is to be published rather than delivered, this method should not be called.
        destId - name of the Broker client to deliver the event to
      • getDestinationId

        public abstract java.lang.String getDestinationId()
        Get the current destination for the event.
        the name of the Broker client the event will be delivered to, if it has been set.