Class WmClusterPolicy

    • Field Detail

      • random

        protected java.util.Random random
    • Constructor Detail

      • WmClusterPolicy

        protected WmClusterPolicy​(java.lang.String name)
        This constructor is called within the package.

        All concrete classes that extends WmClusterPolicy should provide a constructor that does not take any parameters. See WmClusterStickyPolicy.

        name -
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Gets the policy identifier.
      • getNextPublishBroker

        public abstract int getNextPublishBroker​(WmClusterConnectionImpl clusterConn)
        Find the next Broker to publish to in the list according to the policy rules. Order may not be relevant to some policies.
      • getAllBrokerURLs

        public java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList<java.lang.String> getAllBrokerURLs​(WmClusterConnectionImpl clusterConn)
        Retrieve all the Broker URL strings in the cluster.