Class WmJMSAdminImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WmJMSAdminImpl
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements WmJMSAdmin
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected WmJMSAdminImpl​(java.lang.String brokerHost, java.lang.String brokerName, java.lang.String clientID, java.lang.String clientGroup)  
      protected WmJMSAdminImpl​(java.lang.String brokerHost, java.lang.String brokerName, java.lang.String clientID, java.lang.String clientGroup, SSLInfo sslinfo)  
      protected WmJMSAdminImpl​(java.lang.String brokerHost, java.lang.String brokerName, java.lang.String clientID, java.lang.String clientGroup, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String truststore, boolean encryption)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addReceivePermission​(java.lang.String clientGroup, java.lang.String eventType)
      Add an event type to a client group's receive permissions.
      void addReceivePermission​(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory factory, javax.jms.Destination destination)
      Add a JMS destination to a connection factory's receive permissions.
      void addSendPermission​(java.lang.String clientGroup, java.lang.String eventType)
      Add an event type to a client group's send permissions.
      void addSendPermission​(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory factory, javax.jms.Destination destination)
      Add a JMS destination to a connection factory's send permissions.
      void clearClientQueue​(java.lang.String client)
      Clear a client's queue on the Broker.
      void clearDurableSubscriber​(java.lang.String clientID, java.lang.String name)
      Clear all messages for a JMS durable subscriber on the Broker.
      void clearQueue​(java.lang.String name)
      Clear all messages for a JMS queue on the Broker.
      void clearQueue​(javax.jms.Queue queue)
      Clear all messages for a JMS queue on the Broker.
      boolean clientExists​(java.lang.String client)
      Determine if a client exists on the Broker.
      boolean clientGroupExists​(java.lang.String clientGroup)
      Determine if the specified client group exists on the Broker.
      void close()
      Closes the administration connection to the Broker.
      void closeClient​(java.lang.String client)
      Close a client on the Broker.
      boolean connectionFactoryExists​(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory factory)
      Determines if the JMS connection factory exists on the Broker.
      void createBroker​(java.lang.String broker, java.lang.String description, boolean makeDefault)
      Create a Broker on the current Broker Server.
      void createClientGroup​(java.lang.String clientGroup, int storage)
      Create a client group on the Broker.
      void createConnectionFactory​(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory factory)
      Create the JMS connection factory on the Broker.
      void createDestination​(javax.jms.Destination destination)
      Create a JMS destination on the Broker.
      void createDurableSubscriber​(java.lang.String clientID, java.lang.String clientGroup, java.lang.String application, javax.jms.Topic topic, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String selector, boolean noLocal, boolean priorityOrdering)
      Create a JMS durable subscriber on the Broker.
      void createDurableSubscriber​(java.lang.String clientID, java.lang.String clientGroup, java.lang.String application, javax.jms.Topic topic, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String selector, boolean noLocal, boolean priorityOrdering, java.lang.String userDN, java.lang.String issuerDN)
      Create a JMS durable subscriber on the Broker.
      void createDurableSubscriber​(java.lang.String clientID, java.lang.String clientGroup, javax.jms.Topic topic, java.lang.String name, boolean priorityOrdering)
      Create a JMS durable subscriber on the Broker.
      void createDurableSubscriber​(java.lang.String clientID, java.lang.String clientGroup, javax.jms.Topic topic, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String selector, boolean noLocal, boolean priorityOrdering)
      Create a JMS durable subscriber on the Broker.
      void createDurableSubscriber​(java.lang.String clientID, java.lang.String clientGroup, javax.jms.Topic topic, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String selector, boolean noLocal, boolean priorityOrdering, java.lang.String userDN, java.lang.String issuerDN)
      Create a JMS durable subscriber on the Broker.
      void createDurableSubscriber​(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory factory, javax.jms.Topic topic, java.lang.String name)
      Create a JMS durable subscriber on the Broker.
      void createDurableSubscriber​(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory factory, javax.jms.Topic topic, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String selector, boolean noLocal)
      Create a JMS durable subscriber on the Broker.
      void createDurableSubscriber​(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory factory, javax.jms.Topic topic, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String selector, boolean noLocal, java.lang.String userDN, java.lang.String issuerDN)
      Create a JMS durable subscriber on the Broker.
      void createEventType​(java.lang.String eventType, java.lang.String description, int storage, int ttl, int validation)
      Create an event type on the Broker.
      void createQueue​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String clientGroup, java.lang.String application, boolean sharedState, int sharedStateOrdering, boolean priorityOrdering)
      Create the physical JMS queue on the Broker.
      void createQueue​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String clientGroup, java.lang.String application, boolean sharedState, int sharedStateOrdering, boolean priorityOrdering, java.lang.String userDN, java.lang.String issuerDN)
      Create the physical JMS queue on the Broker.
      void createQueue​(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory factory, javax.jms.Queue queue)
      Create the physical JMS queue on the Broker.
      void createQueue​(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory factory, javax.jms.Queue queue, java.lang.String userDN, java.lang.String issuerDN)
      Create the physical JMS queue on the Broker.
      void createTerritory​(java.lang.String territory)
      Create a territory and add the Broker.
      void createTopic​(java.lang.String topic)
      Create a JMS topic on the Broker.
      boolean destinationExists​(javax.jms.Destination destination)
      Determine if the JMS destination exists on the Broker.
      void destroyBroker()
      Destroy the current Broker.
      void destroyClient​(java.lang.String client)
      Destory a client on the Broker.
      void destroyClientGroup​(java.lang.String clientGroup)
      Destroy a client group from the Broker.
      void destroyDestination​(javax.jms.Destination destination)
      Destroy a JMS destination on the Broker.
      void destroyDurableSubscriber​(java.lang.String clientID, java.lang.String name)
      Destroy a JMS durable subscriber from the Broker.
      void destroyEventType​(java.lang.String eventType)
      Destroy an event type on the Broker.
      void destroyQueue​(java.lang.String name)
      Remove the physical JMS queue from the Broker.
      void destroyQueue​(javax.jms.Queue queue)
      Remove the physical JMS queue from the Broker.
      void destroyTopic​(java.lang.String topic)
      Destroy a JMS topic on the Broker.
      boolean durableSubscriberExists​(java.lang.String clientID, java.lang.String name)
      Determine if a JMS durable subscriber exists on the Broker.
      boolean eventTypeExists​(java.lang.String eventType)
      Determine if the event type exists on the Broker.
      java.lang.String getBroker()
      Get the fully qualified Broker address to which the administration connection is connected.
      java.lang.String getBrokerHost()
      Get the Broker Server host to which the administration connection is connected.
      java.lang.String getBrokerName()
      Get the Broker name to which the administration connection is connected.
      int getBrokerPort()
      Get the Broker Server port to which the administration connection is connected.
      java.lang.String[] getBrokers()
      Get a list of Brokers on the current Broker Server.
      java.lang.String[] getClientGroups()
      Get the list of client groups on the Broker.
      java.lang.String[] getClientGroups​(java.lang.String sendPermission, java.lang.String receivePermission)
      Get the list of client groups on the Broker.
      java.lang.String[] getClients()
      Return the list of Broker clients.
      java.lang.String[] getClients​(java.lang.String clientGroup, java.lang.String eventType)
      Return the list of Broker clients.
      java.lang.String[] getClientSubscriptions​(java.lang.String client)
      Get the list of event types to which the client is subscribed.
      java.lang.String getDefaultBroker()
      Get the default Broker on the current Broker Server.
      java.lang.String[] getEventTypes()
      Get the list of event types on the Broker.
      java.lang.String[] getEventTypes​(java.lang.String scope)
      Get the list of event types on the Broker.
      int getPrepareTimeout()
      Get the default prepare timeout.
      int getPrepareTimeoutAction()
      Get the prepare timeout action.
      java.lang.String[] getReceivePermissions​(java.lang.String clientGroup)
      Get a client group's receive permissions.
      int getRecoverMode()
      Gets the global recover mode of the Broker.
      java.lang.String[] getSendPermissions​(java.lang.String clientGroup)
      Get a client group's send permissions.
      java.lang.String getTerritory()
      Get the Broker's territory.
      java.lang.String[] getTerritoryBrokerFullNames()
      Get a list of Brokers in the current Broker's territory.
      java.lang.String[] getTerritoryBrokers()
      Get a list of Brokers in the current Broker's territory.
      int getTransactionTimeout()
      Get the default transaction timeout.
      java.lang.String getVersion()
      Get the Broker Server version.
      void joinTerritory​(java.lang.String host, java.lang.String name)
      Join the Broker to the specified Broker's territory.
      void leaveTerritory()
      Cause the Broker to leave its current territory.
      boolean queueExists​(java.lang.String name)
      Determine if the JMS queue exists on the Broker.
      boolean queueExists​(javax.jms.Queue queue)
      Determine if the JMS queue exists on the Broker.
      void removeReceivePermission​(java.lang.String clientGroup, java.lang.String eventType)
      Remove an event type from a client group's receive permissions.
      void removeReceivePermission​(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory factory, javax.jms.Destination destination)
      Remove a JMS destination from a connection factory's receive permissions.
      void removeSendPermission​(java.lang.String clientGroup, java.lang.String eventType)
      Remove an event type from a client group's send permissions.
      void removeSendPermission​(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory factory, javax.jms.Destination destination)
      Remove a JMS destination from a connection factory's send permissions.
      void setDefaultBroker​(java.lang.String broker)
      Set the default Broker on the current Broker Server.
      void setPrepareTimeout​(int seconds)
      Set the default prepare timeout.
      void setPrepareTimeoutAction​(int action)
      Set the prepare timeout action.
      void setReceivePermissions​(java.lang.String clientGroup, java.lang.String[] permissions)
      Set a client group's receive permissions.
      void setRecoverMode​(int mode)
      Sets the global recover mode of the Broker to either restricted (the default) or global.
      void setSendPermissions​(java.lang.String clientGroup, java.lang.String[] permissions)
      Set a client group's send permissions.
      void setTransactionTimeout​(int seconds)
      Set the default transaction timeout.
      boolean topicExists​(java.lang.String topic)
      Determine if the JMS topic exists on the Broker.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait