Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Building Services with Trading Networks | Transport Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder |
Delivers all documents on the specified scheduled delivery queue using FTP. This service is provided as a reference implementation that you can use as a basis for your own scheduled delivery service. For more information about creating scheduled delivery services, see IBM webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide.
Input Parameters
String The name of the scheduled delivery queue from which to deliver documents.
String The host name or IP address of the target FTP server.
String The port number on which the target FTP server listens for requests. The default is 21.
String (optional) The name of the account to log on the target FTP server.
String (optional) The password of the account to log on the target FTP server.
String (optional) The directory on the target FTP server in which you want the documents written.
String The FTP data transfer mode: either ascii or binary.
String The FTP data transfer type: either active or passive.
String (optional) The extension to use for target file names. If you do not specify a value for fileExtension, this service uses the value returned from BizDocType.getFtpFileExtension. For XMLDocTypes, this value is xml. The target file name is:
String (optional) The listener port number of the data transfer channel. If you do not specify dataport, Trading Networks chooses the listener port number. This service only uses dataport when you specify active for transfertype.
String (optional) Character set in which the document is encoded. This variable is required to convert the String object to bytes correctly. Specify an IANA-registered character set. If this variable is null, the default JVM encoding is used.
Example: ISO-8859-1
String (optional) Number of seconds to wait for a response from the ftp server before timing out and aborting the request. The default is to wait indefinitely.
Output Parameters
String FTP log messages for the entire user session.
Usage Notes
You create a scheduled delivery queue using My webMethods. If you select Batch FTP as the delivery service for the queue, Trading Networks invokes this service to deliver documents from the queue. When you define or update the settings for the scheduled delivery queue, you can supply values for the service inputs. The procedures for defining, updating, and managing schedule delivery queues are described in IBM webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide.
You should not invoke this service directly. If you want to programmatically deliver documents from a queue, invoke the service and supply the queue name.