Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Building Services with Trading Networks | Query Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder |
Queries the Trading Networks database for partner profiles.
Input Parameters
Object The query that the service should run.The query must be an instance of You can use to create this query object.
String (optional) Whether to return the results of the service or an enumeration ID that you can use to get the results a page at a time. Valid values are:
*true Returns the results of the query.
*false Default. Returns an enumeration ID.
Use the enumeration ID as input into the services in the services to get the results a page at a time. For more information, see Enumerate Folder.
String (optional) The page size to use when enumerating over the query results. The default is 25.
String (optional) The maximum number of rows of results to return. The service silently drops excess rows. Specify 0 to return all results. The default is 0.
String (optional) Ignored.
String (optional) The number of rows of query results to store in the session object to optimize query execution. The service stores the remaining rows in the Integration Server repository. For best performance, specify a value equal to the page size. If you do not specify a value, the service uses -1 causing the service to use the value specified by the tn.query.threshold property.
For more information about this property, view the online help files as follows: From Integration Server Administrator, click Trading Networks from the Solutions menu of the Navigation panel. Trading Networks displays the TN Properties page. In the upper right corner of the TN Properties page, click Help.
If you are using Trading Networks in a cluster, do not specify threshold and ensure the tn.query.threshold property is set to -1, which disables using the session object.
String (optional) The unique identifier to store the paged query results. This parameter is applicable only when the results are paged. If this parameter is not set, an id is automatically generated.
Output Parameters
String The number of rows in the query result.
String (optional) If disablePaging is false, this is an enumeration ID for use with the services in the folder.