Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Building Services with Trading Networks | Query Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder |
Executes a query based on the details you provide in the input parameters. After executing the query, you can execute the service to get the resulting data of the query.
Input Parameters
Document The filter criteria for the query, the sort order, and the column names that must be returned in the result set. For the structure of queryInput, see
String The query type. Use one of the following values based on the query type:
*1 - Document Query. Creates a query for documents saved in the Trading Networks database.
*2 - Event Query. Queries the Trading Networks database for activity log entries.
*3 - Task Query. Creates a query for delivery and service execution tasks.
*4 - Profile Query. Creates a query for partner profiles in the Trading Networks database.
String Optional. The locale for formatting the query results. Specify the two-letter ISO 639 language code for the language to use, and the two-letter ISO 3166 country code for the country that is associated with the language.
Use the format: <languagecode>_<countrycode>
For example, to localize for US English, set the locale as 'en_US'.
String Optional. The ID of a previously executed query to terminate. If the query is still executing, then the service terminates the query execution, immediately. If the query is done executing, then the service deletes the results from the service cache, immediately.
String Optional. Defines whether the service is called from IBM My webMethods Server or from a user using Designer. Valid values are:
*yes - Default. IBM My webMethods Server calls the service.
*no - A user using Designer calls the service.
Output Parameters
Document The output details of the executed query. For the structure of queryOutput, see
Document Conditional. The error messages, warnings, and other information that the service generated. For the structure of svcResponse, see
Usage Notes
The criteria for Extended Fields of profile query type should use FieldGroupName:FieldName in the fieldName (queryInput > criteria > fields > fieldName) field.