Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Building Services with Trading Networks | Profile Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder |
Retrieves all external IDs of the specified type for a trading partner.
Input Parameters
String The internal identifier for a trading partner for which to retrieve external IDs.
String The type of external IDs to retrieve. The value must match one of the values in the Description column of the IDType table in the Trading Networks database (for example, DUNS; DUNS+4; EULER, User Defined 3). Supply a value for either idTypeCode or idTypeDesc.
String The type of external IDs to retrieve. The value must match one of the values in the Type column of the IDType table in the Trading Networks database (for example, 1, 2, 3). Supply a value for either idTypeCode or idTypeDesc.
Output Parameters
String List The requested external IDs.
Usage Notes
*When exchanging documents, partners typically identify themselves within a document using some well-known ID scheme, such as a D-U-N-S number. If you know a partner's internal ID, use this service to get the external ID you need.
*To retrieve the ID types from the IDType table in the Trading Networks database, use the service. The service returns a Hashtable of all types of IDs known to Trading Networks. The value of idType must be one of the keys from this Hashtable. For more information, see
*Supply a value for either idTypeCode or idTypeDesc. If you supply values for both of these parameters, the service uses idTypeCode and ignores idTypeDesc.