Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Building Services with Trading Networks | Mime Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder |
Processes a digital signature to make sure that the specified data has not been changed.
The signature input is the DER encoding of the PKCS#7 SignedData object. This service also allows for the creation of an explicit message digest.
Input Parameters
InputStream The signature to use for verifying that the data is unchanged. This stream will be fully read during the execution of this service.
InputStream (optional) The data to verify for a detached signature. This service only uses data if detachedSignature is true. If present, this stream will be fully read during the execution of this service.
String Whether the signature contains a detached signature. Valid values are:
*true - The signature is detached.
*false - Default. The signature is not detached.
String (optional) Whether to compute the message digest for the message that was signed. Valid values are:
*yes - Compute a message digest.
*no - Default. Do not compute a message digest.
String (optional) The algorithm to use to compute the digest if you specified yes for createDigest. You can specify one of the following values for digestAlgorithm: SHA-1 or MD5.SHA-1 is the default.
OutputStream (optional) OutputStream where you want the contents of the signed message to be written. Specify if you want the contents written to an OutputStream.
If signature contains a detached signature, the value this service writes to the stream matches the contents of data. If signature does not contain a detached signature, this service writes the bytes that it signed to the stream.
Output Parameters
String (optional) If createDigest is yes and you specified a valid value for digestAlgorithm, messageDigest contains a Base64 encoded message digest of the specified data.
Document List Each element in this array contains information about a single signer of the signed data object.
The keys in each document are as follows:
*certChain Object [ ] A X509 certificate chain of a signer in Certificate[] format.
*timeStamp Object The time when the signer digitally signed the data; timeStamp is an instance of Java.util.Date.
*trusted String Whether the Integration Server trusts the certificate chain of the signer. Valid values are:
*true - The certificate chain is trusted.
*false - The certificate chain is trusted.
*unknown - The certificate chain could not be reconstructed.
*status String Whether the signatures are intact within the signed data object.
If the signature is intact, status is verified. Otherwise, the service returns an error message in status to indicate the problem.