Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Building Services with Trading Networks | Docattr Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder |
Retrieves the document attributes that are defined in the Trading Networks system.
Input Parameters
String (optional) Whether Trading Networks refreshes its cache of document attributes before returning the list of document attributes. Valid values are:
*true - Refresh the cache.
*false - Default. Do not refresh the cache.
String (optional) Whether to include disabled document attributes in the list of returned document attributes. Valid values are:
*true - Return disabled document attributes in the list.
*false - Default. Omit disabled document attributes from the list.
Output Parameters
String The number of attributes in the returned list.
Document List The list of returned document attributes. For the structure of each document attribute returned in attributes, see
Usage Notes
*Trading Networks caches document attribute definitions in memory on the server. A side effect of invoking this service with refresh set to true is that Trading Networks refreshes the cache. This is important if document attribute information has changed since Integration Server was started.
*If you are invoking this service from a Java program, in addition to returning the document attributes in attributes as IS documents (IData objects), the service returns the document attributes in attributes as instances of