Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Building Services with Trading Networks | Doc Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder |
Extracts the document content from a BizDocEnvelope in the database and resubmits the document content to Trading Networks to be processed as a new document.
To process the document Trading Networks invokes the same receive service that the original document used, providing the ReceiveSvc field was set on the original BizDocEnvelope. The receive service is the service the original document was sent to for processing, for example, a document gateway service.
For Trading Networks to determine the service to use for resubmitting a flat file document, the document gateway service must populate the variable in the pipeline, TN_parms/$receiveSvc, with its service name. Trading Networks uses the value of TN_parms/$receiveSvc to set the ReceiveSvc field of the BizDocEnvelope. For information about flat file document types, see IBM webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide. For information about resubmitting flat file documents, see IBM webMethods Trading Networks User’s Guide.
Input Parameters
String The Trading Networks-generated internal ID of the document to resubmit.
String (optional) A string that describes the type of relationship to create between the original document and the resubmitted document. The string can be 1-80 characters. The default relationship is “RESUBMIT”.
Output Parameters
Object (optional) The new BizDocEnvelope that Trading Networks created for the document content that was resubmitted. It is an instance of
Object (optional) The BizDocEnvelope for the original document content that was resubmitted and that was identified by the internalID input variable. It is an instance of
String (optional) An internal variable that Trading Networks uses to distinguish a resubmission from an original submission.
Document (optional) An IData object (IS document) holding internal data that Trading Networks uses.
Usage Notes
If the tn.resubmit.return.bizdocs system property is true, this service returns as output both the bizdoc and originalDoc. The default for the tn.resubmit.return.bizdocs property is false, which indicates that the service should return neither the bizdoc nor originalDoc.