Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Building Services with Trading Networks | Admin Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder |
Exports data from the Trading Networks database by either saving the data to an export file or by generating sources for solution deployment through IBM webMethods Deployer. Provides extensions for each asset type and an option to filter the asset type based on internal IDs.
Input Parameters
String Indicates whether to save the export data in binary format or XML format. Valid values are:
*bin - Save the export data in binary format.
*xml - Save the export data in XML format.
String Specifies which Trading Networks assets to export. Valid values are:
*true - Export all Trading Networks assets.
*false - Export only those Trading Networks assets that are configured in the exportData document, described below.
String Indicates whether to export the Trading Networks assets as sources for solution deployment using IBM webMethods Deployer. Valid values are:
*true - Export the assets as sources for solution deployment using IBM webMethods Deployer.
*false - Export the assets as a Trading Networks XML or binary export file.
Document List An IS document (IData object) containing the TPA data being passed to a validation service for validation. The document contains the following keys:
*assetType String Indicates which asset type to include in the export. Valid values are documenttype, documentattribute, processingrule, partner, fieldgroup, fielddefinition, externalidtype, contacttype, binarytype, profilegroup, queue, tpa, dls, functionalpermission, extendedfield, and archiveschedule.
*all String Indicates whether to export all Trading Networks assets to the export file. Valid values are:
*true - Export all assets of the specified asset type.
*false - Export only assets of a specified asset type that match the internal IDs specified in the ids variable.
*ids String List Specifies the internal IDs associated with the assets to export. For the queue and archive schedule asset types, the internal ID is considered the name of the asset; for all other asset types, the internal ID is the individual asset ID.
String (optional) Indicates the output directory for the export file or solution package. The directory that you specify must already exist. If you do not specify a export directory path, Trading Networks creates the export file or solution package in the directory specified by the tn.tmpdir property in the TN properties file.
String Indicates the name of the export file or solution package. If you do not specify a name, Trading Networks names the file “export.”
Output Parameters
Document Contains the results of the export. The document contains the following keys:
*exportFilePath String Path of the zip file containing the exported assets. The location of this file is determined by the input parameter exportFileDirectory or tn.tmpdir property in the TN properties file.
*errorMessages String List Any errors encountered during the export process.
Usage Notes
*If the assets are exported as a file rather than as a solution package, Trading Networks creates a zip file containing the XML or binary export file. When extracted, the contents of this zip file can be used for import using My webMethods or a custom service.
*If you do not specify exportFileDirectory, Trading Networks creates the export file or solution package in the directory path specified by the tn.tmpdir property in the TN properties file.