Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Using Trading Networks | Finding Documents, Tasks, and Activity Log Entries | Finding Trading Networks Assets
Finding Trading Networks Assets
You can find Trading Networks documents using a simple or advanced search. To find Trading Networks tasks or activity log entries you must use advanced search.
You create a search by specifying one or more rows of search criteria elements. Each row represents an expression. In the expression, you specify the field to query (that is, the query field). In a simple search, you also specify one operator, and in most cases, a value (for example, Document ID EQUALS 53o6eh006e1d6gbq0000cuih). In an advanced search, you can specify multiple operator/value pairs (for example, Document ID EQUALS 53o26300c9qje9nh0000009b AND Sender ID EQUALS 53o6fh005kjhjs460000000o), and Trading Networks selects assets that match any of the operator/value pairs.
In a simple search, if you specify multiple rows (expressions), Trading Networks only selects documents that meet the search criteria in all rows. In a advance search, you can have Trading Networks select assets that meet the search criteria in all rows or in any row.
Trading Networks constructs a SQL WHERE clause from each row of criteria. You can view the clause, and you can cut and paste the query for use in another application, such as a third-party reporting tool.
You can also use a date range to search for documents that Trading Networks received within a specified time period, or tasks or activity log entries that Trading Networks created within a specified time period.
You can use the wildcard * in searches to match one or more characters, or the wildcard ? to match one character. Searches are case insensitive. You can save searches so you can re-execute them later.
Some types of information, such as document content, are saved to database only if the Trading Networks administrator has chosen to save them. If you do not see information you need in search results, discuss the issue with the Trading Networks administrator.