Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Administering Trading Networks | Searching for Assets | Improving Trading Networks Performance During Searches | Deleting Search Results Periodically
Deleting Search Results Periodically
*To delete search result rows periodically
1. Shut down the Integration Server that hosts Trading Networks.
2. Open the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\config\Cache\webm-cache-config.xml file and edit these XML tags in the XML tag <localScheme\>:
The following table describes the tags:
Time in minutes after which a cached search result row is considered expired. Trading Networks can delete a cached row only after it has expired. Use the format:
Time in minutes between periodic cache flushes of the expired search result rows. Use the format:
The first flush starts when the number of rows specified in <lowUnits> have been cached.
3. Restart Integration Server.