Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Administering Trading Networks | Creating Profiles | Creating a Profile | Specifying Document Delivery in a Profile | Specifying Reliable Delivery Settings in a Partner Profile
Specifying Reliable Delivery Settings in a Partner Profile
If a partner is using immediate or scheduled delivery, and is using reliable delivery, you must specify reliable delivery settings in the partner’s profile.
*To specify reliable delivery settings in a partner profile
1. On the Partner Profiles page, select the profile for which you want to specify reliable delivery settings.
2. Click the Delivery Settings tab.
3. Fill in these fields:
The following table lists fields in the Delivery Settings tab:
Delivery Maximum Retries
Number of times to try to redeliver a document to the partner. Specify an integer greater than 0.
Wait Between Retries
For immediate delivery, the number of milliseconds to wait before trying to redeliver the document the first time. Specify an integer greater than 0.
Retry Factor
For immediate delivery, the factor to use when determining how long to wait before making subsequent attempts to redeliver the document. Trading Networks calculates the time to wait by multiplying the last wait time by Retry Factor. Specify an integer greater than zero.
For example, the following shows sample values for the reliable delivery settings and how they affect the wait times between attempts to redeliver a document.
Delivery Maximum Retries = 3
Wait Between Retries = 10000 ms
Retry Factor = 2
Wait until next attempt:
*Retry 1: 10000 ms
*Retry 2: 20000 ms
*Retry 3: 40000 ms
You do not set the Wait Between Retries and Retry Factor fields for scheduled delivery because Trading Networks retries the delivery based on the delivery schedule.