Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Administering Trading Networks | Creating Profiles | Creating a Profile | Specifying Document Delivery in a Profile | Adding Scheduled Delivery Method to a Partner Profile
Adding Scheduled Delivery Method to a Partner Profile
You add scheduled delivery method to a partner profile by specifying the queue to use for the partner. A queue is associated with a scheduled delivery service and a delivery schedule.
*To add a scheduled delivery method to a profile
1. On the Partner Profiles page, select the profile to which you want to add a scheduled delivery method.
2. Click the Delivery Settings tab.
3. Click Add Delivery Method.
4. In the Delivery Method list, click Queue for Delivery.
5. Select a public queue or the partner’s private queue.
6. To define the partner’s private queue, click Edit and do the following:
a. In the Delivery Service field, select the scheduled delivery service to use with the queue, then click the Inputs tab and provide the inputs to the scheduled delivery service.
If you want the input parameters to include fields that you leave blank, select Include empty values for string types?. If you select this option and you leave a field blank, Trading Networks passes an empty string for the value. If you do not select this option and you leave a field blank, the field is not included in the inputs.
b. From the State list, assign a state to the queue, listed in the following table:
Place delivery tasks in the queue and deliver documents.
Do not place new delivery tasks in the queue and do not deliver documents. All delivery tasks that are already in the queue remain in the queue. You might disable the queue if you need to fix the scheduled delivery service, or if a processing rule has been placed on the wrong queue and you need to change the rule or reassign tasks to another queue. If the partner profile is disabled, the private queue is disabled.
Do not place new delivery tasks in the queue but deliver documents in the queue. You might drain a queue if you want to delete it, or perform maintenance changes (for example, change queue settings, update delivery services).
Suspend Delivery
Place new delivery tasks in the queue but do not deliver documents. You might suspend a queue if a trading partner is temporarily unable to accept documents.
You can also change the status on the Public Queues page. For this, select the checkbox beside the queue, and select a status from Change Status. You can do this to change the status of multiple queues at once.
When the state of a queue is Disable or Drain, delivery fails because Trading Networks cannot place the delivery task in the queue. Trading Networks sets the delivery task status to FAILED and logs a message to the activity log.
c. Click the Schedule tab. In the Process Queue list, select how often to invoke the scheduled delivery service to deliver the documents in the queue, then fill in the fields.
Only use My webMethods to change the delivery schedule and other queue settings for a scheduled delivery service. Do not try to use Integration Server Administrator to change the schedule, or the data passed to the service will be lost and the service will not be able to deliver documents.
The following table describes the schedule delivery options:
Run Once
Invokes the scheduled delivery service one time only, at the date and time you specify. This option is typically used in a development environment.
If the scheduled date and time occurs when the host Integration Server is not running, Integration Server throws an exception when you next start Integration Server.
Fixed Interval
Invokes the scheduled delivery service at the fixed interval you specify (for example, every 3 hours). The scheduled delivery service executes for the first time immediately after Trading Networks adds the delivery task.
If you want to wait for the scheduled delivery service to finish running before starting the next scheduled invocation of the service, select the Do not overlap task check box.
When you add or update a fixed interval schedule for a queue whose state is Enabled or Drained, Trading Networks invokes the service immediately. Subsequent invocations are governed by the fixed interval.
Invokes the scheduled delivery service at the dates and times you specify.
Use the Date Range fields to specify the first and last days to invoke the service. Use the Process Queue fields to specify the exact times to invoke the service.
If you want to wait for the scheduled delivery service to finish running before starting the next scheduled invocation of the service, select the Do not overlap task check box.