Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Administering Trading Networks | Migrating Assets | Migrating Assets Using the tnexport and tnimport Utilities | tnimport Utility | Specifying Import Options in a File
Specifying Import Options in a File
To specify import options in an XML file, create the file, go to the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\packages\WmTN\bin directory, and run this command:
tnimport -file full_path_to_file_name
To see a sample file, go to Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\packages\WmTN\bin and open the TNImport.xml file.
You can specify the options listed in the following table in the XML file:
Full path to the export file.
Type of file to import. Valid values are bin, xml, or zip.
By default, the tnimport utility only reads and writes information about the data in your file, which is useful for testing purposes. Specify this option and set it to true to tell the utility to actually import the assets into the target system.
If assets already exist in the target system under the same ID or name as assets you are importing, this option tells the tnimport utility to overwrite (true) or not overwrite (false) the target system assets.
If you are importing processing rules, this option tells the tnimport utility to do one of the following:
*Replace all existing rules in the target system with the rules you are importing (true).
*Replace only matching rules and append non-matching rules to the end of the existing list on the target without changing the rule order on the target system (false).
Whether to export all assets, (true) or specific assets (false). If you specify false, you must specify the asset option.
assettypeall ids
If you specified false on the all option, the assets to export. This element contains these attributes and child elements:
*type. This attribute specifies the asset types to import. Valid values are documenttype, documentattribute, processingrule, partner, fieldgroup, fielddefinition, externalidtype, contacttype, binarytype, profilegroup, queue, tpa, dls, functionalpermission, extendedfield, and archiveschedule.
*all. This attribute indicates whether to import all assets (true) or only assets that match the internal IDs specified in the ids child element (false).
*ids. This child element specifies the internal IDs associated with the assets to export. For the queue and archive schedule asset types, the internal ID is considered the name of the asset; for all other asset types, the internal ID is the individual asset ID.