Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Administering Trading Networks | Migrating Assets | Migrating Assets Using the tnexport and tnimport Utilities | tnexport Utility | Specifying Export Options in a File
Specifying Export Options in a File
To specify export options in an XML file, create the file, go to the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\packages\WmTN\bin directory, and run this command:
tnexport -file full_path_to_file_name
You can specify the options below in the XML file. To see a sample file, go to Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\packages\WmTN\bin and open the TNExport.xml file.
The following table lists the options and corresponding value:
Name of the binary file, XML file, or Deployer solution package to which to export assets. By default, the name is export. You can specify a different file name on this option.
By default, the binary file, XML file, or Deployer solution package is created in the user temp directory. You can use this option to specify a different directory. The directory must already exist. If you want to use a directory relative to the one from which you are running the tnexport utility, specify a relative path.
Whether to export the assets as a Deployer solution package (true) or an XML or binary file (false). If you specify false, you must specify the exportType option.
exportType {bin|xml}
If you specified false on the acdl option, whether to save the export data in binary or XML format.
Whether to export all assets, (true) or specific assets (false). If you specify false, you must specify the asset option.
assettypeall ids
If you specified false on the all option, the assets to export. This element contains these attributes and child elements:
*type. This attribute specifies the asset types to export. Valid values are documenttype, documentattribute, processingrule, partner, fieldgroup, fielddefinition, externalidtype, contacttype, binarytype, profilegroup, queue, tpa, dls, functionalpermission, extendedfield, and archiveschedule.
*all. This attribute indicates whether to export all assets (true) or only assets that match the internal IDs specified in the ids child element (false).
*ids. This child element specifies the internal IDs associated with the assets to export. For the queue and archive schedule asset types, the internal ID is considered the name of the asset; for all other asset types, the internal ID is the individual asset ID.